We-Vibe Moxie Panty Vibe & Lovely 2.0 Bluetooth Cock Ring Mini-Reviews

[Image: the We-Vibe Moxie comes with a 4-button remote control, in addition to the Bluetooth app remote.]

"Well, some vibra­tion is bet­ter than no vibra­tion, right?" a dude friend asked me.

I side-​eyed him and fired back, "For the [Lovely 2.0's] price, I'd want vibra­tions that get me off."

The stan­dard orgasm ratio between a part­ner and me is about 1 of his for every 10 of mine. I can't relate to the "orgasm gap," or how het­ero women tend to have few­er orgasms than men do dur­ing part­ner play. But I under­stood it a lit­tle bet­ter after that con­ver­sa­tion­al exchange about the Lovely 2.0.

I've grouped this vibrat­ing cock ring with the We-​Vibe Moxie panty vibe because togeth­er, they embody the issues I take with so-​called "cou­ples' sex toys":

  • cool tech­nol­o­gy on paper with "meh" out­comes in practice
  • the insis­tence on mak­ing some­thing hands-​free and non-intrusive
  • the unmet expec­ta­tions for the price tag

Both the Moxie and Lovely 2.0 are Bluetooth con­trolled. And the Lovely 2.0 comes with motion sen­sors, like a penis Fitbit! But they are first and fore­most vibra­tors, so let's start there before talk­ing about the frills.

UPDATE: We have oth­er, even bet­ter options now! Read my guide to the best panty vibra­tors and see how the We-​Vibe Moxie mea­sures up.


We-​Vibe Moxie

We-Vibe Moxie Panty Vibe & Lovely 2.0 Bluetooth Cock Ring Mini-Reviews 1

Don't get me wrong: the Moxie's rum­ble out­per­forms oth­er panty vibes on the mar­ket (includ­ing the Vibease). But for $129? I want read­ers to be realistic.

UPDATE: Times have changed. Nowadays, I find the Moxie "meh" next to the likes of the Lovense Ferri.

The We-​Vibe Moxie is pow­er­ful enough to get me off, hands-​free, as a panty vibe, if it's on the high­est speed set­ting or a fast pat­tern. And with added pres­sure while, say, sit­ting down, it's vibra­tions are fine.

But your mileage may vary. If the only things keep­ing the Moxie against your cli­toris are your under­wear and your thighs squeez­ing togeth­er, and that's how you intend to use it, you bet­ter be sure that you'd be hap­py with light pres­sure. Or maybe wear a super snug­ly fit­ting bottom.

If you need a wear­able vibra­tor with tighter clamp­ing, I sug­gest get­ting a We-​Vibe Sync instead. It stays in place by wrap­ping around the pubic bone— one motor on the G‑spot and one on the cli­toris. You can adjust the Sync's hinges to tight­en or loosen the fit as pre­ferred. With the Moxie, all pres­sure comes from the out­side. Yes, the Sync is more expen­sive, but I'd per­son­al­ly get far more use out of it.

UPDATE: I also can't rec­om­mend the We-​Vibe Sync, either. On paper, it sound­ed great. In prac­tice, it wouldn't fit my anato­my right.

Lovely 2.0 Cock Ring

[Image: The Lovely 2.0 cock ring has one button on the front side and 3 raised ridges. The ring itself is super stretchy.]

I once wrote about the MysteryVibe Crescendo, "I’d get more sat­is­fac­tion from feel­ing a tin­gle in my nose and sud­den­ly hav­ing the urge to sneeze van­ish," but at least it could bare­ly get me off. The Lovely 2.0 is some­how more dismal.

There has been more than one ses­sion, where I asked my part­ner, "Is it on?" The Lovely 2.0's default speed absolute­ly can­not take me to orgasm. Not with my panties off. Not when my cli­toral hood is retract­ed. Not when I'm using the pointy tip. And I have no clit of steel— if any­thing, my clit is a feath­er­weight, some­times able to reach my des­ti­na­tion with a mere muggle's watch bat­tery bullet.

I can fur­ther turn the Lovely 2.0's speed up via the app, but that only does so much. If any­thing, it annoys me even more when I have to admit that I have orgasmed by grind­ing on it while rid­ing my part­ner. If this cock ring was $25, then okay, what­ev­er. But it's not.

And unlike the We-​Vibe Moxie, the Lovely 2.0 isn't a mat­ter of "Your mileage may vary." If you care enough about vibra­tion qual­i­ty to read vibrat­ing cock ring reviews, then you care enough to not spend $139 on this fuck­ing thing.

Shape and Design

We-​Vibe Moxie

We-Vibe Moxie Panty Vibe & Lovely 2.0 Bluetooth Cock Ring Mini-Reviews 2

The Moxie's design is sleek and petite with a con­toured bump to nes­tle against the cli­toris. What makes it dif­fer­ent from oth­er panty vibes is that it doesn't rely on a pock­et or gus­set to stay in place. Instead, the We-​Vibe Moxie uses mag­nets. The vibra­tor part rests inside the panties, anchored by a sep­a­rate (and pret­ty strong) mag­net on the oth­er side of the fabric.

For these rea­sons, even though the We-​Vibe Moxie isn't for every­one, it's miles bet­ter than most vibra­tors in this cat­e­go­ry. Its place­ment is cus­tomiz­able and secure— no wor­ries about:

  • slip­ping and slid­ing around
  • whether an under­wear gus­set is big enough to fit the vibe
  • whether the pock­et is align­ment with your clitoris.

Lovely 2.0 Cock Ring

The Lovely 2.0's vibra­tor com­part­ment is wide, flat, and pointy. To my partner's lament, the firm tip feels stab­by to him dur­ing mis­sion­ary. And I could use it as a pin­point solo cli­toral vibra­tor. The Your Lovely app even advised me to do that and spend more time on foreplay.

But here's the thing: why would I want to have more fore­play, or any fore­play, if it involves tak­ing up time and cli­toral real estate with the Lovely 2.0's vibra­tions? There might as well be none at all.

Controls and Bluetooth App

We-Vibe Moxie Panty Vibe & Lovely 2.0 Bluetooth Cock Ring Mini-Reviews 3

I'm most­ly going to focus on Your Lovely's "Desire-​Sensing™ tech­nol­o­gy" here since I've already writ­ten about the We-​Connect app in my We-​Vibe Nova review. The Moxie has motion sen­sors inside, which send info to the app via Bluetooth, all to bring you cus­tom sex tips. Over time, the advice becomes more personalized.

But, again, I can't jus­ti­fy using the Lovely 2.0 at all after I fin­ish this review, let alone over time. The advice isn't bad. Make more time for the cli­toris. Experiment with the depth of thrust­ing. Try edg­ing dur­ing 69. Use the Lovely's remote con­trol func­tion. Mix things up and get out of the kissing-​foreplay-​PIV-​done sequence. Try the posi­tions shown in the dia­grams. I under­stand the nov­el­ty of a new sex point­er at your fin­ger­tips after every session.

But is the Lovely app's advice worth $139? I don't think so. If some­one new to sex wants to learn, they could get far more from a sub­scrip­tion to Cosmopolitan mag­a­zine, Barbara Carellas' Urban Tantra, and a copy of Stella Harris's Tongue-​Tied, for far less.

My Verdict on the We-Vibe Moxie Wearable Panty Vibrator and Lovely 2.0 Cock Rring

[Image: on the side opposite the clit bump, there's a button, a magnet, and the charging contacts]

Adding sex toys to part­ner play is a great way to charge your sex life. If any­one knows that, it's We-​Vibe. And their Moxie is well-​executed for an entire­ly exter­nal panty vibe, even though this cat­e­go­ry of toys isn't for everyone.

UPDATE: We have oth­er, even bet­ter options now! Read my guide to the best panty vibra­tors and see how the We-​Vibe Moxie mea­sures up. And for­get the We-​Vibe Moxie — get the Lovense Ferri instead.

The Lovely 2.0 cock ring?  It epit­o­mizes two unfor­tu­nate car­di­nal truths about sex toys:

  1. If a cli­toral toy's vibra­tions can't get you off, no amount of ~inno­va­tion~ can save it.
  2. The more a sex toy tries to do at once, the more like­ly it is to fail.

If I had to sum up the Lovely 2.0 in one phrase, it would be, "watered down." It gives its users watered-​down vibra­tions and watered-​down advice— half-​assing every­thing it tried to do.

Hey! I've includ­ed affil­i­ate links in this spon­sored post. All opin­ions expressed are my own, as always.

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3 Responses

  1. Jay says:

    The Moxie’s not for me, but on anoth­er note, I’m kind of get­ting bored of teal col­ored toys. I feel that teal has become the new “sad pur­ple” default sex toy col­or. I just want more vari­a­tion, like orange or green, but I under­stand they don’t sell as well.

  2. How was the vol­ume lev­el of the Moxie? Do you find it qui­et enough to wear pub­licly with­out any­one noticing?

  3. C says:

    Damn. I used to be real­ly into the idea of the whole panty vibe thing, and I could nev­er find one that was app-​controlled and seemed decent. The Moxie seems like it may work for me, though, but unfor­tu­nate­ly I’m not near­ly as into it as I used to be and it’s too expen­sive to be worth tak­ing the plunge ? 2017 me would be delight­ed to find it though. Also, the red panties in your pho­to are gorgeous!

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