Review: Valm Ultra Realistic Triple-Density Dildos

I'm already hot and bothered again, feeling up this cock.
Valm 8 inch and 10 inch triple density realistic dildos with suction cups

Its real­is­tic head yields between my thumb and fore­fin­ger — a deli­cious reminder of how it would caress my cervix — and its vas­cu­lar shaft skin slides almost like the real thing.

Valm went beyond the (already-​realistic) dual-​density stan­dard and added anoth­er lay­er of silicone:

  1. The firm inner core for sta­bil­i­ty and angling
  2. A gel-​like in-​between lay­er that moves like an engorged erection
  3. A sup­ple out­er lay­er of “skin” that you can grab, slip, and squeeze.

These triple-​density dil­dos are com­plete with fine grainy tex­tures, retract­ed fore­skin, almost just-​right veins, and, of course, stur­dy suc­tion cups at the bases for riding.

I'm not sure which set of lips I want to put on that head first — kiss­ing the juicy frenu­lum or feel­ing my entrance grip the girthy glans.

And the uncut textures.

And every vein on the shaft that I can.

Valm Dildos vs. Vixen Creations vs. Uberrime

Silicone Density

Valm's triple-​density sil­i­cone head:

  • Reminds me of VixSkin — about a Shore 0020 den­si­ty, if I had to guess
  • Is soft­er than Uberrime's dual-​density out­er lay­er (usu­al­ly about a Shore 0050)
  • Quite for­giv­ing and con­trasts with the much stur­dier inner core.

I can't stop grip­ping the life­like dil­do shaft or knead­ing the head in my hands.

Encased isn't quite the liq­uid I've encoun­tered with oth­er slid­ing skin dil­dos. It's more like what I've felt in Uberrime's Amante with Shore 0000 sil­i­cone: a suu­u­u­per soft, gooey, gel-​like con­sis­ten­cy used for pros­thet­ics and spe­cial skin effects.

The top­most lay­er is thin but notice­able — its slid­ing skin is even more strik­ing on the less size­able option (I hes­i­tate to call it “small­er” because it is not small!) — pos­si­bly because there's a greater skin-​to-​volume ratio.

Valm 8 inch triple density veiny realistic dildo with suction cups

I'm not sure which set of lips I want to put on that head first — kiss­ing the juicy frenu­lum or feel­ing my entrance grip the girthy glans.

It’s not as plush as Vixen Creations’ VixSkin X for­mu­la, though. I can take 8” of VixSkin, but there's no way I'm tak­ing every inch of Valm's 8” (let alone 10”) triple-​density dil­do. And yet, I love how the girth push­es every con­tour against my walls.

Valm 8 inch and 10 inch triple density realistic dildos with balls and suction cup bases

Who Are Valm Dildos For?

Valm's ultra-​realistic dil­dos offer some­thing I didn't know I was crav­ing — they're some­where between:

  • The pri­mal look and feel of Vixen Creations’ VixSkin
  • A lit­tle taste of Uberrime's customization

Let's be hon­est: Uberrime's shape selec­tion, col­oration options, mar­bling, and artistry are oth­er­world­ly and unimag­in­able to many indie mak­ers. And Vixen Creations was one of the OGs of life­like dual-​density sil­i­cone dil­dos, with their many deli­cious­ly G‑spotty and A‑spotty curved options.

Valm 8 inch and 10 inch triple density realistic dildos with balls and suction cups

But Valm knows its tar­get audi­ence is those who:

  • Want the real­is­tic feel of a life­like cock
  • Want to go beyond two lay­ers and get handsy with a soft-​tipped, sliding-​skin dildo
  • Love straight, deep pen­e­tra­tion with many sizes of the real thing
  • Simply crave big, fat cocks

I wish there were a wider range of cur­va­tures, col­ors, and short­er but girthy options. (A Vixen Randy or Uberrime Maxime equiv­a­lent in triple-​density would be divine.)

However, there aren't many oth­er indie mak­ers who do sil­i­cone slid­ing skin dil­dos well, let alone do that with this many size options. And I respect what Valm is doing here.

Valm 8 inch and 10 inch dildos next to 8.5 inch Uberrime Aptus

Even after the hun­dreds of dil­dos inside me, Valm's triple-​density dil­dos caught my atten­tion immediately.

Valm Realistic Dildo Sizes and Finishes

Valm's range of USA-​sourced, Utah-​manufactured cocks include:

  • Four sizes, rang­ing from six to twelve inch­es long
  • Ten sol­id col­ors (cus­tom col­or fade options com­ing soon!)
  • Three sil­i­cone den­si­ty com­bos (sin­gle, dual, triple)

Here's how they mea­sure up.

Valm 8 inch and 10 inch triple density ultra realistic dildos with suction cup bases
6 Inch Realistic Dildo
  • 6.65” total length
  • 5.65” insertable length
  • 1.49” diam­e­ter

This life­like dil­do is about aver­age com­pared to a human cock.

8 Inch Realistic Dildo
  • 8.37” total length
  • 7.25” insertable length
  • 1.65” diam­e­ter
Valm 10 inch triple density realistic dildo on thigh
10 Inch Realistic Dildo
  • 10.5” total length
  • 9.5” insertable length
  • 2.0” diam­e­ter
12 Inch Realistic Dildo
  • 12.6” total length
  • 11.5” insertable length
  • 2.4” diam­e­ter

Imagine stack­ing two soda cans. This mas­sive life­like dil­do tow­ers taller than that while being almost as wide.

My Verdict on Valm Triple Density Dildos

Even after the hun­dreds of dil­dos inside me, Valm's triple-​density dil­dos caught my atten­tion immediately.

Review: Valm Ultra Realistic Triple-Density Dildos 1

While they may not offer the over-​the-​top, regal artistry of Uberrime or the A‑spotty vari­ety of Vixen Creations’ curved designs, Valm knows where it excels: cre­at­ing ultra-​realistic dil­dos that cap­ture the authen­tic feel of a hard, throb­bing cock with soft, pli­ant skin.

FURTHER READING: Ranking slid­ing skin dil­dos (and my oth­er favorite real­is­tic sil­i­cone sex toys)

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are my own, as usual.

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