5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear

Selling used panties and bed­room props is a legit way to earn some extra spend­ing mon­ey, espe­cial­ly if you're an attrac­tive woman.

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear 1

I briefly touched on the prac­tice in my pre­vi­ous post about sexy side hus­tles (beyond reviews), but this one goes more in-​depth. Don't stop at every­day under­wear — you can sell prac­ti­cal­ly All Things Worn!

Heads-​up & content warning

This post is heavy on the sar­casm, fem­dom, and degra­da­tion kink lan­guage. If that's not your thing, you don't have to read about it. Just under­stand that this whole thing, while based on things I have done, is a role­play. I'm a sweet­heart in every­day life, I promise!

Used Sex Toys

Let's start with the ele­phant in the room: I shove A LOT of things in or on my vagi­na daily.

Some of them, I despise — why even dig­ni­fy them by wash­ing them? I'd rather sell them to some oth­er­wise use­less cuck on the inter­net for mon­ey. It's a win-win:

  • Save time clean­ing toys you'll nev­er use again.
  • Tidy up junk that doesn't spark joy.
  • Bring new life to old packaging.
  • Make mon­ey at the same time.

Selling used sex toys is eco­nom­i­cal and eco-friendly! ?

Worn Stockings & Socks

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear 2

Some foot fetishists find that the dirt­i­er the feet, the bet­ter. Worn socks, shoes, and hosiery are a sen­so­ry arti­fact of that.

And they don't even have to be fan­cy. If you're ath­let­ic, work long hours stand­ing, or are oth­er­wise super active, con­sid­er cater­ing to this niche.

Used Menstrual Products

It's not up everyone's alley, but some dudes would love to sniff and jack off to your stained peri­od clothes, sheets, or men­stru­al cups.

Don't think that, just because it's shark week, you can't keep sell­ing used panties or naughty extras. Capitalize on it!

Used Condoms

Cum might be a slight­ly more com­mon fetish. Some buyers:

  • Like how it smells
  • Like the idea of cum hoarding
  • Relish the fan­ta­sy of being cucked by a sexy woman
  • Want to spread it on toast
  • Claim it's the secret to youth­ful skin

I'm skep­ti­cal, but you do you. Supply to their demand by sell­ing used con­doms — or any oth­er Male Things Worn.

My Boyfriend's Worn T-Shirt

To the pre­vi­ous point, some guys get off on the idea that they'll nev­er get with you. It turns them on that your part­ners' worn clothes are almost a con­so­la­tion token — or bla­tant­ly rub­bing it in. You could spin it either way.

Go Beyond!

What would you sell as part of your sexy side hus­tle? Would it be some­thing from this list? Or some­thing else entire­ly? Tell me in the comments!

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear 3

Here are some quick ideas. They come from the first page alone of All Things Worn's "Naughty Extras" section:

  • A worn headband
  • Foot pic­tures
  • Pussy lol­lipops
  • Used tam­pons
  • A degra­da­tion session
  • Hair clip­pings
  • Half-​used lip­stick tubes

Turn your junk into some­one else's joy-​sparking and cum-​inducing treasure.


This post was spon­sored, but as always, I wrote the content.

Want to get in touch to adver­tise on my web­site or col­lab­o­rate with me? Check out my past spon­sored posts and my ser­vices page!

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3 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Used cos­met­ics is one of my favorite for sale items, it’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get rid of things I tried and didn’t love.

  2. Rob says:

    My wife has sold her wet panties online and it turns me on that oth­er men have tast­ed her and mas­tur­bat­ed to her pic.

  3. Charlene says:

    Thank you, very informative.

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