RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide Review: realistic dildo with sliding skin

“We love and stand by the prod­uct, but there’s no account­ing for taste,” a spicy affil­i­ate man­ag­er trailed off, star­ing into space. I rec­og­nized the glazed expression.

The RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide is about the same diameter as my wrist. Its core is on the firm side, but its skin is sooooo soft.

“You’re think­ing, ‘Ahhh, mem­o­ries,’ aren’t you?” 

Indeed, she was. She adored the hyper-​realistic dil­do with:

  • Realistic, veins and a shiny pink glans
  • Sliding skin on the shaft
  • Movable, float­ing balls in the scrotum
  • Multiple lay­ers of fleshy sil­i­cone den­si­ties, from firm to gel-like

While she rep­re­sent­ed a com­peti­tor of RodeOH, her sen­ti­ment rings true in this Slyder Plus Wide review.

How I feel about the RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide

All of the fol­low­ing can be true at the same time:

  • I get turned on when casu­al­ly giv­ing it a hand­job and fid­get­ing with the “skin” and squishy tip against my hands
  • It’s not only life­like but also frig­gin’ pret­ty for a penis
  • I’m excit­ed about what this prod­uct means for any­one who wants a suu­u­u­per elab­o­rate­ly real­is­tic dil­do — whether they want to insert it or strap it on.
  • I'm not thrilled about it in use.

The Slyder Plus Wide goes above and beyond triple-​density dil­dos and still deserves to be hyped up for how it goes above and beyond with the details. Plenty of shop­pers will love it — just not me.

RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide soft dual-density silicone stretching

Hint: if you’ve been read­ing my blog for a long time, you know how fussy I am about deep penetration.

Realistic look and feel?

The Slyder Wide Plus is a straight-​shafted real­is­tic dil­do with balls, a defined frenu­lum, and a tapered tip. Its head glis­tens with an air­brushed gra­di­ent of vis­cer­al pink if you have the “Vanilla” col­or option. Four skin tones are available.

Along the shaft are grip­py, mat­te skin tex­tur­ing and veins. Asymmetric balls and pores on the flared, har­ness­able base add to the real­is­tic appearance.

Most notably, you can grab and stretch the out­er lay­er along the shaft. Balls are also sus­pend­ed inside the gel-​like sil­i­cone scro­tum. I want to fel­late it for fun. 

The RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide has squeezable floating balls inside its textured scrotum

Slyder Plus Wide measurements

Here’s how it mea­sures up:

  • 8” total length
  • 7” insertable length
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter around the corona
  • 2.1” max­i­mum insertable diameter

Even if you’re not into the Plus Wide specs, RodeOH’s Slyder dil­dos come in oth­er shapes and sizes.

How soft is the silicone?

I have a Shore A durom­e­ter made to mea­sure the resis­tance of soft rub­bers to semi-​rigid plas­tics, and it doesn’t even reg­is­ter the Slyder dildo’s scro­tum at times. It just says 0; that’s how squishy the balls are. They remind me of gum­my candy.

Meanwhile, the tip mea­sures about 2.5A, about the same as VixSkin’s out­er lay­er. However, it doesn’t feel as squishy in my hands as Vixen Creations’ dual-​density for­mu­la does. Why? The firm core goes fur­ther up into the Slyder Plus Wide’s glans, and its squishy lay­er isn’t near­ly as thick.

And the RodeOH Slyder core? About a Shore 15A.

Durable or delicate?

The col­oration on the glans is paint­ed rather than poured. As such, it’s del­i­cate and can fade in high-​shear stress areas like the coro­nal sul­cus or ure­thral mea­tus if you repeat­ed­ly squish, stretch, and rub it with­out lube. Take good care of it and don’t do that.

RodeOH’s Slyder dil­do skin lay­er arrives attached along the frenu­lum. Though you can move the top lay­er along the shaft, please don’t get rough with it as if pulling fore­skin up unlubed. This dil­do is well-​constructed at the price for every­thing you get but not invincible.

RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide head glans frenulum detail close-up

How the Slyder Plus Wide felt in use

It’s girthy. It has nice length. I quite like how the balls smack and the skin grinds against my clit.

And (pause for empha­sis) its com­bi­na­tion of straight shaft, firm­ness, head shape, and lack of def­i­n­i­tion didn’t always do it for my cervix. I feel like I’m writ­ing part of my Blush Avant D5 review (from 5 years ago!!!) all over again.

For stimulating my cervix

Yes, I can cum when it bot­toms me out, but only with sub­stan­tial effort and some goril­la grip coochie clenching.

Holding the RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide realistic sliding skin dildo in my hand

It worked best when I thrust with the dil­do rotat­ed so that:

  • The more defined under­side of the dil­do faced my front wall
  • Its balls were at an angle — think doggy-​style or reverse cow­girl but with legs scis­sor­ing and off-center

In all fair­ness, it’s eas­i­er for me to orgasm with the Slyder Plus Wide than the Avant D5. But it's not my favorite.

I thought, “Yeah, I’ve expe­ri­enced some­thing like this before,” and when I pulled up a pho­to of the Avant D5, the sim­i­lar­i­ty side-​by-​side was clear as day. They both have this tilt­ed trun­ca­tion of the tip.

The Slyder Wide Plus can some­times feel eva­sive in my pos­te­ri­or fornix like it’s doing just enough to keep me on the precipice.

RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide Review: realistic dildo with sliding skin 1

I no longer blame the shaft flex­i­bil­i­ty but rather the tip firmness:

  • Its head isn’t the right shape to deliv­er cervix mas­sage exact­ly where I want it every time
  • The Slyder Wide Plus’s more rigid core goes pret­ty high up into the head — like, there’s less squish than I would expect on an actu­al penis.
  • There’s no way the tip is pli­able enough to yield and con­form to my cer­vi­cal fornix the way I want

I whipped out my reli­able Uberrime Aptus to ensure I wasn’t just imag­in­ing things. And sure enough, the Aptus made me cum way more quick­ly. It’s curved, and its head is scooped but well-​defined — just as I like it.

Notes for potential users

Now, there are some lim­i­ta­tions to my expe­ri­ence worth break­ing down.

Just because the Slyder Wide Plus wasn’t a good fit for me doesn’t mean it won’t be for you.

The RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide has a defined frenulum and juicy, shiny glans

Here’s why you might still like it:

  • Not every­one who uses this dil­do will insert it vaginally
  • Most peo­ple with vul­vas need direct cli­toral stim­u­la­tion to reach orgasm any­way. Likewise, peo­ple with penis­es often need to stroke the tip.
  • Not every­one who orgasms via vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion alone cares that much about cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion.

So while the need to rub myself on the out­side might have some­times been a dil­do deal­break­er for me, it might be pret­ty stan­dard for you. For some, the stretch of a girthy dil­do and indi­rect cli­toral slid­ing on the out­side is enough.

If you want real­ism, size, and squish, the RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide might suit you. And I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the delight of such a detailed dil­do design just because of my pref­er­ences that might not apply to you. Enjoy the girth and for­get the length if you’re not built like me.

Who would looove the RodeOH Slyder line

Shoppers who would appre­ci­ate RodeOH’s Slyder dil­dos include:

  • Queer peo­ple (par­tic­u­lar­ly trans mascs) who want to strap on a pros­thet­ic phal­lus for play
  • Cam mod­els who wish to sim­u­late stroking or suck­ing a cock dur­ing solo scenes 
    • Or any high­ly visu­al did­dler who loves BJs, to be hon­est. Have fun video chat­ting or watch­ing your­self in the mir­ror! Wear a strap-​on and watch your part­ner play with it!
  • People who want more skin tones
  • Couples who want to role­play with a cock added to the mix
  • Anyone who just likes the feel­ing of a real­is­tic cock and balls

In short, RodeOH may be most well-​known for their underwear-​style strap-​on har­ness­es and FTM gear, but there’s a wide range of rea­sons to appre­ci­ate their oth­er cre­ations, too!

Tl;dr the Slyder dil­do line by RodeOH is among the most real­is­tic you could get for the price, but I eager­ly await new mod­els with juici­er tips and more defined curves.

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3 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I won­der if the extra real­is­tic sil­i­cone den­si­ties require more girth due to layering…

  2. D. Dyer says:

    I am extreme­ly excit­ed about this prod­uct. It is giv­ing me good gen­der play feelings.

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