Pink Punch Dream Bunny Review: Air Pulse Finger Vibe

Translucent green Dream Bunny air pulse toy from Pink Punch and suction attachment heads

Is Pink Punch Dream Bunny the “first expe­ri­ence of love,” as the prod­uct page says? Maybe not — but it cer­tain­ly got me gasp­ing quite quickly.

I found myself pulling it away from my twitch­ing pussy to catch my breath on the third speed setting.

Then, nat­u­ral­ly, I turned it on to the sec­ond speed and went full cum­brain for con­sec­u­tive min­utes. The exact time and num­ber of orgasms were inde­ter­mi­nate as time slowed, and my mind was on anoth­er plane.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny air pulse massager with wearable finger notches

I took a men­tal note not to use the high­est speed unless I was pre­pared to do one of the following:

  • Have a big “one-​and-​done” orgasm
  • Click through all the set­tings again to reach the sec­ond intensity
  • Use the phone app to con­trol it

Thank fuck for the Bluetooth remote con­trol option because the Pink Punch Dream Bunny’s low­est set­ting is almost as strong as most Satisfyershigh­est speed. And we’re work­ing with just one but­ton on the toy itself.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny Air Pulse Intensity

If we’re com­par­ing the speed range to the Womanizer Premium 2’s 14 set­tings, I’d place:

  • The Satisfyers I’ve tried at 1 to 6.5
  • Womanizer’s Starlet 3 at 2 to 7.5
  • Pink Punch’s Dream Bunny at 5 to 8.5
  • Boutique Voila’s Little Goo at 7 to 14
  • NS Novelties’ Inya Rose at 9 to 14

In oth­er words, the Pink Punch Dream Bunny is strong enough to over­whelm me, but it’s not as extreme as some of the alter­na­tives avail­able. A lit­tle buzzy and high-​pitched? Yes. Keep in mind how much you care about deep thrum­ming sen­sa­tions over strong, speedy jolts.

With my coupon code — take 30% off Pink Punch Toys with code CY30 — its motor is fuck­ing for­mi­da­ble for the price.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny compact air pulse massager

Dream Bunny Shape, Look, and Feel

And yet, it’s so cute with its juicy, succulent-​like bun­ny ears, pas­tel palette, and four Lifesaver gum­my candy-​like nozzles.

Dream Bunny’s “ears” are squishy sil­i­cone, wrap­ping between and over the fin­gers so the mas­sager can stay neat­ly, effort­less­ly cupped in your hand — even as you, say, switch posi­tions dur­ing intercourse.

Yes, it’s a great can­di­date for use dur­ing sex because it’s teeny-​tiny — 2.3” long by 1.7” wide by 2.5” deep. Other options that leave more of the vul­va free include the Dame Aer and We-​Vibe Melt.

Despite that, the bun­ny ears make it super easy to hold between the index and mid­dle fin­gers — espe­cial­ly for right­ies. The but­ton was made for someone’s right thumb to click. A left­ie can still click using their thumb and get slight­ly less reach or with their mid­dle finger.

Of course, though, it’s best to use both the but­ton and remote con­trol since you may be sen­si­tive after orgasm with an air pulse toy and want to turn the speed down. Let’s walk through the Pink Punch Dream Bunny’s Bluetooth app remote con­trol settings.

Pink Punch Bluetooth Remote Control App

I’ve writ­ten about the Pink Punch app before. It’s super cute with its Y2K cyber­punk aes­thet­ic, and its neon-​on-​black design reminds me of the Neopets and MySpace web design days. There’s a bat­tery indi­ca­tor and options for solo and long-​range play.

Out of the box, the Pink Punch Dream Bunny offers three speeds, from 82 Hz to 114 Hz—again, a lit­tle buzzy but not strik­ing­ly so. Once you con­nect to the Bluetooth app, you can access speeds with­in that range for more fine-tuning.

And if you care about pre­ci­sion, you will want to do that.

My unit has a lit­tle quirk: when I press the but­ton, it jumps to the high­est inten­si­ty for a split sec­ond before set­tling into the speed it’s sup­posed to. Not for long enough to both­er me, but it could be too much for others.

Thankfully, Pink Punch offers a one-​year war­ran­ty and will replace your prod­uct if it doesn’t behave as it should.

Even if it didn’t, I’d still use the app for the option to decrease the intensity.

There are also three patterns:

  • An esca­lat­ing 1–2‑3–4 — which cor­re­sponds to the “naughty cat” pan­el in the app
  • Low-​low-​hiiiiigghhhhhhh — which would be the “fizz jellyfish”
  • loooowwww-​hiiiigggghh — which would be the “mood trip car” setting

And, of course, steady speeds are con­trolled by the pan­el with the neon Dream Bunny animation.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny massager in charging dock

Swappable Air Pulse & Suction Nozzles

Cleaning the suc­tion noz­zles as they pop on and off the unit is also super easy. Their dif­fer­ent shapes are named as follows:

  • Donut suck­ing head — a stan­dard toroid shape. Nothing too wild
  • Convex — the “mouth” is wider open with thin­ner, sharp­er “lips.”
  • Polka — scal­loped inner edges and soft tex­tures to rub against
  • Flower — kind of a hybrid of the Convex suck­ing head’s thin “lip” and soft­er waves than the Polka suck­ing head

The heads don’t mat­ter much to me, as the viva­cious air puls­es veil the silicone’s softness.

Nozzle Opening Width: Scope & Focus

You might feel dif­fer­ent­ly since its air pulse tun­nel is nar­row and pin­point — 9mm wide by 20mm long.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny air pulse massager, charging dock, and soft silicone attachment heads

Why might that make a dif­fer­ence? Consider that it doesn’t take up much cli­toral real estate, mean­ing you might focus the oscil­la­tion sen­sa­tions on one part of your clit and the brims and tex­tures on another:

  • Maybe you like intense direct stim­u­la­tion and want to go under the hood with the air pulses 
    • If you like it direct, you may have to pull back a lip­py cli­toral hood to expose more eroge­nous tissue.
  • Or you might want to tone it down by let­ting it thrum over the cli­toral hood, while the tex­tures slip and slide along the cli­toral glans itself.

If your clit is on the big­ger side or you want broad­er cov­er­age, con­sid­er the LELO Sila, Dame Aer, and Satisfyer Curvy 1+ or 2+.

Every body is different.

So, Who Is the Dream Bunny Good For?

Pink Punch’s Dream Bunny is ide­al for users who love dis­cre­tion and how frig­gin’ adorable it is! This tiny mas­sager has a charg­ing dock that hides the air pulse noz­zle, so it looks like a lit­tle bun­ny fig­urine or night light on your shelf.

Pink Punch Dream Bunny air pulse massager in USB-C induction charging dock

(Good luck explain­ing the Womanizer away as a face mas­sager if some­one judg­men­tal finds it in your purse! In a per­fect world, that wouldn’t mat­ter, but I get that everyone’s sit­u­a­tion is a lit­tle different.)

The IPX7 water­proof rat­ing also helps to keep it dis­creet — use it in the show­er to cov­er up the sound. While it’s not loud in absolute terms, I’d err on the side of cau­tion. The sound is (under­stand­ably) pro­por­tion­al to the strength in this case and is quite strong at the high­est setting!

What I’d Recommend

Get a Satisfyer if you’re okay with a slight­ly weak­er toy but want the full con­trol pan­el and more set­tings on the low end.

Get the Pink Punch Dream Bunny if you want some­thing more aes­thet­ic and appre­ci­ate the app — say, you want options to use it your­self and with a part­ner. Sure, Satisfyers are cheap, but the Pink Punch Dream Bunny ends up being in a sim­i­lar price range if you use my coupon code, CY30 — and there are plen­ty of flash sales for 40% off through­out the year.

If you want more strength in a com­pact and cute device, get the Boutique Voila Little Goo or NS Inya Rose.

I find the Pink Punch Dream Bunny:

  • More pow­er­ful than Satisfyer
  • Less of a clit bul­ly than Rose
  • Less expen­sive than Womanizers
  • Super easy to hold with its fin­ger loops
  • More visu­al­ly appeal­ing than the others

(Read this oth­er post for a mega-​comparison of over 20 air pulse toys.)

Pink Punch Dream Bunny air pulse massager hooked on fingers

My Verdict on the Pink Punch Dream Bunny

I know some of my read­ers see the Dream Bunny and want to get it for looks alone, so here’s the TL;DR verdict:

  • Get it if you want moderate-​to-​strong speeds, and don’t mind a nar­row focus on the nozzle.
  • It’s not exact­ly the most all-​encompassing toy, but yes, it took my breath away and made me shud­der and ride the waves of orgasm after orgasm.
  • Yes, it’s worth it, and yes, I’d buy one for a friend.
  • Yes, I love quirky toys.
  • Yes, I would have been delight­ed with the Pink Punch Dream Bunny if I bought it for myself when I was younger.

Appendix: Chinglish Lessons

I didn’t want to dis­tract from the actu­al review by point­ing out the mar­ket­ing copy’s word choic­es, so I’ll leave them here at the end. Some of my favorite lines include:

  • “Immersed in wet dreams is the instinct of romance”
  • "Sleep sound­ly in the lust rain /​ u are your own dream maker”
  • "We col­lect­ed 100 women's advice in total; 80 veg­e­tar­i­ans, includ­ing col­lege stu­dents, work­ing women, moms, and 20 erot­ic reviewers”

Pink Punch con­tin­ues to sur­prise me.

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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