The Orb Vibrator Review: PLASMA RAYS & Dual Motors?!

There's a par­ty in your bed­room all night long

Pretty girl, it's a show; let it go when you're alone

Cash Cash — Party in Your Bedroom
Finger against plasma ball vibrating massager

I'm bring­ing back a 2008 neon pop bop to match this PLASMA NEON BALL VIBRATOR's ener­gy — because if this toy isn't a par­ty in your bed­room, I don't know what is.

(Actually, I do know, and I'll elab­o­rate on that, too. Hint: I've lit­er­al­ly made sparks fly.)

Back to “The Orb Vibrator” — when you touch the glass sur­face, col­or­ful plas­ma fil­a­ments fol­low your fin­ger or nip­ple or clit or, real­ly, what­ev­er you're plac­ing this vibe on.

Tease your part­ner with it; who said doing it in the dark had to be boring?

Hand holding a plasma ball vibrator

The Orb Vibrator Measurements & Motors

Here's what else you need to know about The Orb Vibrator:

Its prod­uct page says to use it cli­toral­ly, but you know me — I found a way to use it for off-​label inser­tion. Specifically, it per­forms well for tip drilling (shal­low pen­e­tra­tion) while rock­ing back and forth against my clit. The “insertable” por­tion is about 2.5” long, and the “shaft” ramps from 1.4” to 1.8” wide.

Two but­tons inde­pen­dent­ly con­trol the two buzzy motors, each with 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns. The inten­si­ty is respectable for the price — noth­ing that knocks my socks off, but it'll do the job exter­nal­ly for me.

Orb plasma ball vibrator strength

A Vibrator for Shallow Penetration

Inside, the curved shape does most of the work for me, hug­ging the con­tours of my vul­va. I keep the con­cave part against my exter­nal cli­toris while light­ly rock­ing the tip in and out, focus­ing on the legs of my inter­nal clitoris.

And that tap-​tap along the shal­low bits is one of the fastest ways to make me cum. If you're a fan of shal­low­ing with girthy inserta­bles, you might love adding this toy to your arse­nal, along with Playboy Pleasure's Ring My Bell thump­ing vibra­tor.

My hand holding the Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell shallowing vibrator from the side view

The Orb Vibrator is thick­er, while Ring My Bell pum­mels the pussy's out­side hard­er. Your mileage may vary, though. Pay atten­tion to the mea­sure­ments, as dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tors are very anatomy-​specific. If you want simul­ta­ne­ous cli­toral and vagi­nal stim­u­la­tion, con­sid­er that:

Lucky for me, that's bang on with my measurements.

Plasma ball vibrator for shallow penetration

Toy Maintenance, Care, and Cleaning

Most of the Orb Vibrator is sil­i­cone except for, of course, the glass sphere. The mate­ri­als make it super easy to clean with soap and water or, if need­ed, a toy clean­er or dis­in­fec­tant. And yes, it's splashproof—just don't sub­merge it.

And don't use it:

  • In water
  • While the sphere is wet
  • Without con­sult­ing a doc­tor if you have some­thing like a pace­mak­er implanted
Orb vibrator with electric plasma rays

Sparks & Electrosex Sensations

The plas­ma ball on this vibra­tor is main­ly for the visu­als — and maybe you want more than that. You want to elec­tri­fy your touch.

I gotchu, boo.

I've lit­er­al­ly made sparks fly.

If you want the light show and a light shock, get the Kinklab Neon Wand instead. By default, it comes with glass elec­trodes that, yes, form plas­ma fil­a­ments with touch! The shock is rel­a­tive­ly mild until you add the Power Tripper.

The Power Tripper attach­ment elec­tri­fies and arcs between you and every­one you touch. With that, the palm of your hand can deliv­er light tin­gles while your fin­ger­tips feel like nee­dles. Drag a met­al object against their skin for more intense sen­sa­tions. Or com­bine oral plea­sure with pin­point­ed pain.

It feels just like a tat­too and then you relax into it,” said a friend. “I slept so well that night.” A stronger, bona fide vio­let ray is also strong enough brand peo­ple with a cautery attach­ment, but that's beyond the scope of this post.

Holding the plasma ray vibrator in hand 1

Closing Thoughts & Recommendations

[T]hat tap-​tap along the shal­low bits is one of the fastest ways to make me cum. If you're a fan of shal­low­ing with girthy inserta­bles, you'll love adding this toy to your arsenal…

To summarize The Orb Vibrator:
  • Zingy motors
  • Super afford­able
  • Matte quilt­ed texture
  • 5.3” total length x 2.3” max­i­mum width 
    • Use the big end to dif­fuse vibrations
    • Or to illu­mi­nate your partner's body
  • 2.5” insertable length x 1.8” near the base 
    • Use it for tip drilling with vibra­tions inside
    • Rock the oth­er motor's vibra­tions against your clit, if you have a short clit-​vag gap
    • Or use the round­ed but nar­row­er tip for clit stim alone

Get the plas­ma ray vibra­tor at Peepshow Toys and take 10% off with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

Holding the plasma ray vibrator in hand 2
Alternatives include:
  • The Neon Wand + Power Tripper if you want to focus on elec­tro play
  • Playboy’s Ring My Bell if you're going to focus on com­bin­ing shal­low pen­e­tra­tion with intense exter­nal sen­sa­tions. (Seriously, it made me cry with how hard I was cumming.)

Anyway, here's Ponderball.

(Why was that a major meme of late 2021? Idk, just like I don't know why slap­ping a chick­en at 3725.95 mph to cook it was a meme of ear­ly 2019.)

The Orb Vibrator Review: PLASMA RAYS & Dual Motors?! 1

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