Maia Nala Wand Review: 5 Reasons to Love This Massager

Dear Maia Toys,

I see you're try­ing to ride the waves of the Fun Factory Vim's suc­cess — pre­sent­ing your Nala wand as a close­ly rumbly and far more afford­able alternative.

And damn, your prod­uct, tim­ing, and pric­ing are all impeccable.

Maia Nala corded or cordless waterproof wand massager with textured head

Here's what I love about Maia Toys' Nala wand:

  • It revs with rumble.
  • You can use it as a recharge­able, plugged into the wall, or under­wa­ter. (How many wands do you know that can do that?!)
  • It has but­tons for turn­ing the speed “up” and “down”
  • It’s super lightweight.
  • It’s about half the price of the competition.

Yes, Maia Toys' Nala massager is rumbly!

I've described it as the dif­fer­ence between a mos­qui­to buzzing in your ear vs. a wub­by bass rat­tling your breath­ing at a con­cert. The Fun Factory Vim is like the lat­ter. The Maia Nala is some­where in between — no, it doesn't repli­cate Fun Factory's rich, purring tim­bre. But it sure as hell is close enough for half the price.

When it comes to vibra­tion qual­i­ty, some­times less RPM means more plea­sure. Or, to put it anoth­er way, if a vibra­tor has a well-​weighted motor, it doesn't need speed — the heft gets trans­lat­ed into a force with slow­er, deep­er pulses.

Maia Toys Nala wand massager textured head

Here's how it com­pares pitch-​wise when I don't apply pres­sure to it:

In plain English? Even with its more light­weight build, Nala is still a for­mi­da­ble con­tender with full-​sized wand pow­er. It mea­sures 12” long and 2.3” across the head, mean­ing you can use super squishy wand attach­ments to dis­perse the vibrations.

I’d rank the Maia Nala:

You can use the Maia Nala with or without the cord


Maia Nala waterproof wand massager with cords for recharging and for mains-powered plug-and-play


The Magic Wand Rechargeable can be used while plugged in or not, but it's more expen­sive and not water­proof. And Fun Factory's Vim wand can run for up to an hour on one charge.

With the Maia Nala, you don't have to choose between porta­bil­i­ty and long-​lasting pow­er. Charge it and car­ry it in a big bag on a promis­ing date. If you can't get enough, pack the oth­er cord and spend ample time turn­ing the vibe up and down for maximum-​speed orgasm tor­ture — on your time, not the battery's.

You can take it into the heart-​shaped hot jacuzzi if you like. The Maia Nala wand offers unpar­al­leled adaptability.

The Maia Toys Nala Wand is super lightweight

Speaking of adapt­abil­i­ty, here's how this wand mea­sures up to the big com­peti­tors weight-wise:

  • Maia Nala — 13 oz
  • Fun Factory Vim — 15 oz
  • Magic Wand Rechargeable — 21 oz

If hold­ing a heavy mas­sager is cum­ber­some, but you don't want to sac­ri­fice the pow­er and rum­ble of a full-​sized wand, Vim and Nala are among your best bets.

Maia Toys Nala lightweight wand massager in hand

Other options for those who need a lit­tle extra help with grip and mobil­i­ty include:

  • Mounting your wand to strad­dle rather than hold. Lower your weight onto the wand and let your hips guide you so you can crush your clit against it by work­ing smarter, not harder.
  • Getting a com­pact wand. You can still have plen­ty of pow­er, but it'll be more focused and high-​pitched. The plus side? You'll have an eas­i­er time incor­po­rat­ing it into inter­course or pair­ing it with inserta­bles. Different strokes for dif­fer­ent folks! 
    • My top pick here is the BMS PalmPower Rechargeable — it's an excel­lent sweet spot price-​wise and power-​wise. Lovense's Domi 2 is also fan­tas­tic for its size but is expen­sive due to hel­la frills like Bluetooth app remote con­trol.
    • Other review­ers love the Blush Eternal wand since it's pow­er­ful and angled for easy hold­ing, but I don't love how buzzy it is. I'd com­pare its pow­er to old-​school wands like the Magic Wand orig­i­nal and Bodywand — you bet­ter be in the mood to cum while hav­ing your clit pul­ver­ized. It's insta-​cum or insta-numb.
Maia Nala waterproof wand massager with rumbly vibrations and textured head

Maia Toys’ Nala wand is affordable for everything you get

The Maia Nala mas­sager costs $86 at reg­u­lar price (or $78 with my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE), sub­stan­tial­ly less than the Fun Factory Vim and Magic Wand Rechargeable.

That doesn't mean that it's nec­es­sar­i­ly a bet­ter buy, but here's how I'd sum up the most crit­i­cal fac­tors among your best bets:

  • The Fun Factory Vim is the most rumbly — deli­cious­ly basslike — has the widest speed range for any mood (yes, even if you usu­al­ly think wands are too strong for you!), and has the best controls.
  • The Magic Wand Rechargeable is the most pow­er­ful of the three, ver­sa­tile enough speed-​wise, and can be used while cord­ed or not. 
    • Doxy's Die Cast R is the most pow­er­ful cord­less mas­sager over­all, but it's expen­sive and frankly too intense for me!
  • Maia Toys’ Nala mas­sager has a nar­row­er speed range, but it's rumbly enough to sat­is­fy me. It's also about half the Vim's price. And again, you can use it while cord­ed, not cord­ed, and underwater.

The Vim, Magic Wand Rechargeable, and Nala are all fan­tas­tic options, but if I had to pick one, it would be Vim for the luxe expe­ri­ence. The oth­ers can't top its rum­ble. If I had to pick two, it would be Vim and Nala.

Don't get me wrong — the Magic Wand Rechargeable is still one of the best wands ever! Its con­trol pan­el isn't my favorite, though.

Maia Nala waterproof wand massager with rumbly vibrations and textured head in hand

Nala has buttons for both increasing and decreasing the speed

I'd rather have a wand with “up” and “down” but­tons as I fade into waves of back-​to-​back orgasms. Give me more when I'm about to cum and turn it way down right after.

The Magic Wand Rechargeable lets you click through the four speeds, but you'd have to cycle through them to return to the low­er settings.

Meanwhile, the Fun Factory Vim and Maia Toys Nala can eas­i­ly be turned up and down — mean­ing I get to spend more time cum­ming and cum­ming with­out much thought to whether I'm on the sec­ond speed or the fourth.

Maia's Nala wand con­trol pan­el is as fol­lows, from head to handle:

  • Top but­ton: increase speed
  • Middle but­ton: long press to turn on or off. Short press to cycle through the func­tions (steady vibra­tion and 9 patterns).
  • Bottom but­ton: decrease speed

The one thing I don't love about Maia Toys’ Nala mas­sager is that its but­tons aren't as pro­nounced as on the oth­er wands men­tioned in this post. As such, it's not as easy to tell which but­ton is which by feel­ing alone, and unin­ten­tion­al­ly hit­ting the mid­dle but­ton can be irri­tat­ing when I want to adjust the speed.

Thankfully, the mid­dle but­ton does glow when the wand is on, so look­ing at it in the dark and with­out the cov­ers over me is but a slight quirk on an oth­er­wise sol­id sex toy.

Maia Toys Nala wand massager control panel with three buttons

Closing thoughts on the Maia Toys Nala wand

Let's wrap up what I love about this unex­pect­ed addi­tion to Toyland:

  • Maia's Nala wand has those deep, rumbly vibes that get me whis­per­ing and grunt­ing, “Fuck”
  • Use it any­where — cord-​free, plugged in, or even in the tub (like a bub­ble bath for a full-​on sen­so­ry smorgasbord)
  • Lighter than the alter­na­tives — say good­bye to achy wrists
  • A wallet-​friendly price tag that'll make you and your bank account happy
  • Easy-​peasy con­trols — crank it up or tone it down with a sim­ple click

The Maia Nala might not be the height of lux­u­ry (that title remains with the Fun Factory Vim for now), but it's a sol­id choice if you want a pow­er­ful, ver­sa­tile toy to feel fan-​fucking-​tastic — both for your bits and your bank account.

It's per­fect for those who love reli­able recharge­ables and extend­ed ses­sions with wall sock­et wands. Nala is game-​changing, show­ing off where adapt­abil­i­ty meets ecstasy.

Hand holding Maia Toys Nala waterproof wand massager with rumbly vibrations and textured head

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