READER RAVE: L’Acier Capo = Intense Orgasms All Over

Cervical and G‑spot orgasms are near­ly effort­less for me with the Capo stain­less steel dil­do by L’Acier. It’s pre­cise­ly my type for deep dick­ing, with a gen­tle curve for front wall mas­sage and a swoop­ing head for slip­ping behind my cervix.

L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo with bullet cavity / vibrator slot and removable finger loop

There’s a rea­son it’s on my list of best stain­less steel sex toys.

But you don’t have to take just my word for it.

Here’s what a reader, L.C., had to say about the L'Acier Capo:

Once it was in place, let­ting grav­i­ty do its job … I orgasmed … with­in sec­onds of it being ful­ly insert­ed … some of the most pow­er­ful deep pen­e­tra­tion orgasms I've ever had (and I'm a cer­vi­cal orgasm fiend) …

In 10 min­utes, I had more G‑spot orgasms than I could count and keep track of.

It was like I couldn't NOT get an orgasm with it, which was a first for me with any toy … I'm hooked!

The com­plete read­er tes­ti­mo­ni­al has been edit­ed for clar­i­ty and brevi­ty. Enjoy!

Hi, there!  Your review of the Capo con­vinced me to get it, and you were spot on — thank you!  What you said about:

  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via G‑spotting
  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via A‑spotting
  • ✓ Insta-​cumming via cervix massage

… was exact­ly the case for me!! : — )

I tried the Capo for the first time this week, at night before bed and in the morn­ing upon wak­ing.  Both times I was a bit appre­hen­sive as it looks quite impos­ing, and I real­ly have a tight, atro­phied vagi­na that can't take more than 1.5" width … but I needn't have wor­ried — it slipped right in with­out any issues.

Both times, the Capo gave me THE MOST intense series of G‑spot orgasms I've ever had and some of the most pow­er­ful deep pen­e­tra­tion orgasms I've ever had (and I'm a cer­vi­cal orgasm fiend) — besides the Velvet Thruster's Edward mod­el (which gives me crazy intense cer­vi­cal orgasms).

I'm com­plete­ly blown away by how well-​designed the Capo is.  I just jig­gled it up and down (less than a half-​inch up and down) once it was in place, let­ting grav­i­ty do its job, and I orgasmed … with­in sec­onds of it being ful­ly insert­ed).  I just kept jig­gling the Capo using the fin­ger ring. (The fin­ger ring is genius, BTW.)

In 10 min­utes, I had more G‑spot orgasms than I could count and keep track of.  I just kept orgas­ming and orgas­ming with the Capo.  It was like I couldn't NOT get an orgasm with it, which was a first for me with any toy.  Quarter-​inch to half-​inch nudges were sufficient.

I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke at first, so I tried it 3 more times over the next few days, even when I wasn't aroused, just to see what would hap­pen. Each time, it was insta-​cum — G‑spot and cer­vi­cal orgasm after orgasm — for me.  Just using it for 5–10 min­utes, even when not aroused, I end­ed up insta-​orgasming count­less times.

I usu­al­ly don't care par­tic­u­lar­ly for G‑spot orgasms, at least before the Capo, but after try­ing this stain­less steel toy, I'm hooked!  I didn't even try the vibra­tion — the met­al dil­do was enough.

Thank you for your very help­ful review. It con­vinced me to get the Capo, and I'm so glad (and very grateful!).

P.S. A tip for any­one new to toys that I wish I had known when I first start­ed is that the posi­tions and tech­niques that work well for penis-​in-​vagina sex aren't the same posi­tions that nec­es­sar­i­ly work well for toys.

I wish some­one had told me, "Experiment and try 5–6 dif­fer­ent (if not more) posi­tions and tech­niques to fig­ure out what works for you.  Don't give up — keep try­ing until you find some­thing that feels good for you! It's well worth it!"

Fortunately, I fig­ured it out for myself (and it was instant with the Capo in my case), but I could see many peo­ple try­ing once or twice and giv­ing up on a giv­en toy.

— L.C.

The Uberrime Aptus silicone realistic dildo and L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo both have that lovely, lovely cervix-massaging tilt.
Ummm… I think I have a "type": long and lean.

Is there much else for me to add?

L. said it all about the Capo! Its pro­file is prac­ti­cal­ly per­fect for me, and it might be per­fect for you, too, if you love it hard and deep!

I also under­stand what they're say­ing about exper­i­ment­ing with a toy to learn about your body.

With my first glass dil­do, I had to try dif­fer­ent thrust lengths and cadences — and not just the jack­ham­mer­ing I saw in porn! — until I found that deep pen­e­tra­tion with short, smooth strokes works best for me.

But it took me a few more years of external-​only orgasms and mind-​body aware­ness before orgasms via pen­e­tra­tion became con­sis­tent on my journey.

If orgas­mic sen­sa­tions are new to you, there's like­ly a men­tal com­po­nent that a toy alone can't address. Pay atten­tion to what turns you and moves your meter — fan­ta­size, antic­i­pate, focus, savor the moment, and let a toy accel­er­ate your arousal once you have that foun­da­tion in place.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

But after try­ing hun­dreds of sex toys, though, I can con­fi­dent­ly say that I have a "type." Capo is per­fect for my inter­nals — cervix, G‑spot, ante­ri­or fornix, and all! If my house caught on fire and my toy col­lec­tion was all but destroyed, it would be a no-​brainer to:

  1. Retrieve Capo (and my oth­er stain­less steel toys) from the rub­ble because its com­po­si­tion makes it damn near indestructible.
  2. Re-​polish the sur­face and restore it to its mirror-​like perfection.
  3. Keep on keep­ing on and have abun­dant orgasms galore with my all-​time favorites!

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