Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator

What’s hot­ter than remote-​controlling a partner’s panty vibe?

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator 1

Imagine the siz­zling sub­tleties that could lay­er into it, even when you're not around oth­er people.

  • Dry-​humping with her cli­toral motor against your hard-on
  • Your phone in your hand, your dirty mouths teas­ing each oth­er about who’s going to make the oth­er cum first — while she’s clear­ly at a disadvantage
  • The ten­sion of her not know­ing exact­ly when the strongest vibra­tions will jolt
  • Oh, and you can still do it at a play par­ty if that’s your thing

Never under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of grind­ing against each oth­er while wear­ing a cli­toral panty vibe like the Honey Play Box Oly.

Honey Play Box Oly vibrating Bluetooth plug review

Honey Play Box Oly shape and dual motors

Honey Play Box’s Oly wear­able remote con­trol plug features:

  • A tapered bulb with a slight for­ward tilt for G‑spot or prostate stimulation
  • A slen­der, flex­i­ble neck for com­fort­able reten­tion and wear — it’s cer­tain­ly pos­si­ble to eject it dur­ing orgasm, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly likely.
  • Compatibility with a remote con­trol app for con­trol­ling vibra­tions with your phone
  • A notch for gen­tly cup­ping the cli­toris or tick­ling the testes (yes, this plug’s base is butt-safe!)
  • Two motors — one in the bulb and one in the base
Honey Play Box Oly base flexibility and clitoral stimulator shape

It was quite fun to jerk one motor to the high­est speed and switch repeat­ed­ly. At first, my part­ner said I respond­ed more to the inter­nal (read: rum­bli­er) vibra­tions, but I like both motors. The apex­es of the exter­nal por­tion per­mit pin­point focus for sharp sensations.

Oly remote control vibrator measurements

Shape & size

  • 1.3” max­i­mum diameter
  • 0.4” min­i­mum diam­e­ter neck
  • 3.4” insertable length
  • 4.4” total length
  • 1.6” by 3.5” T‑bar base
  • 1.6” long stem
  • 1.4” between the stem and apex of the exter­nal stimulator

Oly by Honey Play Box is on the small size of mod­er­ate for a plug.

Honey Play Box Oly plug bulb shape and T-shaped base

Its spac­ing is a bit wide rel­a­tive to my bits — the stem is a bit long, and the exter­nal por­tion angles away from me. I don’t get much G‑spot or cli­toral pres­sure from it, but you might, depend­ing on how pro­nounced your pubic bone is and how far apart your out­er bits are from the hole being plugged.

If you’re built like me, don’t expect pres­sure unless you wear some­thing super stur­dy. A tight, stur­dy pair of jean shorts could do the trick, as did my partner’s hips rock­ing against me with his bon­er press­ing through his pants.

Other specifications

  • 120 min­utes of charge time get up to 90 min­utes of play
  • IPX7 water­proof
    • Submersible for 30 min­utes at a depth of 1 meter
Honey Play Box Oly vibration strength and quality

Buzzy or rumbly motor vibration quality?

The motors are buzzy and rely on the high speed and pitch for pow­er — what I’d call “zingy”:

  • 80 to 110 Hz on the inter­nal motor
  • 110 to 230 Hz on the exter­nal motor

However, they’re strong enough to make me cum, espe­cial­ly if an exter­nal force push­es the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor against me.

Honey Play Box Oly dual motor wearable Bluetooth vibrator with clitoral notches

For com­par­i­son, even the high­est pitch­es on my favorite rumbly bul­let vibra­tors don’t go beyond 135 Hz — and the low end could be 50 Hz. Due to those motors’ heav­ier weight and more promi­nent move­ments, they’re impact­ful with­out hav­ing to move at high frequency.

And a dain­ty under­wear vibrator’s need for speed is fine for what it is.

Honey Play Box Bluetooth controls and app

One but­ton clicks through 9 set­tings — 3 steady speeds and 6 pat­terns. Long-​press to turn the Honey Play Box Oly on or off, and short-​press to cycle through the preset.

Honey Play Box Oly button on base

Or explore more with the Honey Play Box App.

The Bluetooth vibra­tor app allows you to:

  • Access a con­tin­u­ous speed range
  • Adjust motor speeds inde­pen­dent­ly of one another
  • Sound-​activate the vibrations
  • Turn on long-​range play when you and your part­ner are apart 
    • Bathtub play time, any­one? Oly is IPX7 waterproof!

When you select Bluetooth Connect for short-​range play, there are a few dif­fer­ent screens to access these fea­tures. Most of the pages will show the bat­tery meter and time spent playing.

“Presets” page features

  • Quickly choos­ing among the default 3 speeds and 6 pat­terns — no need to click 1–2‑3–4‑5–6‑7–8‑9–1… — just swipe
  • Mix and match dif­fer­ent set­tings for the inter­nal and exter­nal motors
  • The rock­et but­ton in the lower-​left cor­ner turns on the high­est inten­si­ty for 20 sec­onds — pre­sum­ably, you’d be edg­ing with the pat­terns and then turn on “tur­bo mode” for the big moment

“Free touch” app mode

  • Access a smooth, con­tin­u­ous speed range and ramp up the inten­si­ty slow­ly or quickly
  • Slide the icon(s) up or down to con­trol the motors inde­pen­dent­ly — the pur­ple bee logo con­trols the exter­nal motor, and the pink one man­ages the inter­nal on my Honey Play Box Oly.
  • The “loop” but­ton on the lower-​left cor­ner records rhythms and pat­terns to repeat.
  • There’s also a play-​pause but­ton on the lower-​right corner.

It was quite a shock when my part­ner dis­cov­ered that last one — I abrupt­ly rolled over, curled up, and burst out laugh­ing when the high­est inten­si­ty shocked me.

“Music mode” by Honey Play Box

  • Microphone icon — the vibra­tor can sense ambi­ent sounds and increase or decrease speed with the loudness.
  • Music icon — acti­vate vibra­tions with mp3 files on one’s phone. It doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have to be music — a pre-​recorded erot­ic mes­sage for your part­ner could be fun, too!

As a dis­claimer, I wouldn’t advise play­ing death met­al pure­ly in the hope of hav­ing a more intense expe­ri­ence. You could do that, but it won’t make the vibra­tions go beyond their high­est speed.

If you want inten­si­ty, just go to “Presets” tur­bo mode or swipe up on the “Free touch” setting.

That said, I immense­ly appre­ci­ate the vari­a­tions in mid-​00s pop punk, but that’s just me.

Honey Play Box Oly remote control dual stimulation plug external vibration base

The downside: reliability of the connection

There is a catch: the Honey Play Box Oly isn’t super reli­able — it works as it should 95% of the time, but there were occa­sions when:

  • My part­ner set the phone down, and we both stepped away, yet the vibra­tions spo­rad­i­cal­ly picked up in speed here and there in “Free touch” mode
  • The vibra­tions would cease, and we’d have to either wait or dis­con­nect and reconnect

It’s not super often, and the app’s myr­i­ad set­tings make it worth it. However, remem­ber that the con­nec­tion isn’t as secure as with prici­er remote con­trol plugs.

And just as with the higher-​end Bluetooth vibra­tors, there’s a slight delay between when you move some­thing on the app vs. when the speed change actu­al­ly takes place.

Honey Play Box Oly vibrator packaging

Best practices when using a remote control vibrator

  • Don’t keep the remote far away from the toy — yes, you have some lee­way, but the clos­er, the better.
  • Keep both the toy and your phone charged, prefer­ably with power-​saving mode turned off.
  • It’s eas­i­er to wear some­thing loose, thin, and flowy for breezy sig­nal trans­mis­sion. If you must have some­thing tight, super skimpy shorts (with or with­out a skirt over) can be an okay compromise.
Honey Play Box Oly vibrating plug size comparison to hand

Powerful remote control plug for the price!

Remember: vibrat­ing panties strike a bal­ance between being com­pact, dis­creet, and func­tion­al. The Honey Play Box Oly has to fit:

  • The motor
  • Bluetooth con­nec­tion hardware
  • A sound sensor
  • A bat­tery, duh!

… all inside a petite pack­age while still pro­vid­ing an ecsta­t­ic experience.

Honey Play Box Oly plug with skinny neck and thin T-base

And Oly’s price for every­thing it does is more than fair. It allows:

  • Decently strong vibra­tions, with pin­point­ed focus on the outside
  • Independent con­trol of its two vibrat­ing motors
  • Sound-​synced inten­si­ty — let your imag­i­na­tion decide whether you’d pre­fer to use it for music or voice-activation

Times have changed; even a mere four years ago, it used to be that you’d have to get a lux­u­ry vibrat­ing plug at a lux­u­ry price to have a decent expe­ri­ence. That’s not the case any­more in 2023 — $65 can get you plen­ty of power.

Honey Play Box Oly vibrating plug on porcelain plate

Honey Play Box’s Oly can make me cum via inter­nal vibra­tion alone, and the exter­nal motor can, too, with enough exter­nal pres­sure. Your mileage may vary — this remote con­trol vibra­tor might be a pleas­er for me but a teas­er for you. Let some­one else con­trol the journey’s ups and downs while you enjoy the ride.

This post was spon­sored. The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed are my own.

Further reading about Bluetooth control vibrators

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