3 Types of Submissives Who LOVE Cock Cages!

Why male chastity is more versatile than you might think
red chastity cock cages

“I want to drink cum out of your ass with a straw,” ini­ti­at­ed a new naughty chat customer.

Oh, you’re one of thooooose peo­ple, my inner mono­logue observed. I've heard it all.

Male sub­mis­sives' kinks tend to clus­ter togeth­er. Among them, the fol­low­ing three arche­types loooove hav­ing their cocks caged:

They’re fla­vors and vari­ants rather than neat­ly delin­eat­ed box­es; there’s much over­lap and com­mon­al­i­ty, including

  • Unresolved inse­cu­ri­ties and hang-​ups around masculinity
  • The penis as a sym­bol of pow­er (or lack thereof)
  • Playing around with the ideas of what it means to be a “real” man
  • Handing over pow­er (and there­fore respon­si­bil­i­ty) to some­one else

I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly touched on the range of rea­sons peo­ple might find chasti­ty cock cages hot. Consider this new­er post a clos­er look at just a few recur­ring arche­types and my obser­va­tions of their human messiness.

A disclaimer about kink-shaming

Some of these kinks and sub-​kinks aren’t polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect. We can inspect the tox­i­c­i­ty behind these ideas and where they came from while also remind­ing our­selves that:

  1. There’s no thought police.
  2. Our sub­con­scious kinks don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly align with our con­scious ethics.
  3. Fantasies can be fan­tasies, with facets cherry-​picked, ide­al­ized, and exaggerated.
  4. Kink is a chance to explore some­thing gnarly in a safe envi­ron­ment behind closed doors.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the fun part: what kind of cis men enjoy male chastity?

The friendzoned beta cucks

In a nut­shell, cuckolds/​cucks are aroused by their partner’s sex­ca­pades with some­one else.

Why might a man like being cuckolded?

There are a few dif­fer­ent angles to the appeal of cuckolding:

  • Masochistically enjoy­ing the humiliation
  • Compersion for their partner’s enjoyment
  • Sadistically want­i­ng to watch their part­ner get rekt

The first one lends itself well to chasti­ty play, though it’s often a combination.

These guys want to be “put in their place” and degrad­ed for their per­ceived fail­ure to be “real” men by tra­di­tion­al stan­dards. They’ve like­ly been reject­ed and won­dered why they weren’t good enough — and get off on the idea that a cer­tain type of guy (tall, buff, big dick, what­ev­er) is way more mas­cu­line and deserv­ing of beau­ti­ful women.

And, from there, it’s not hard to see how cock cages can ele­vate the kink: “Let’s lock the cock, because it’s not like yours has any use to me.” That could play on deep-​seated shame about penis size itself or, more gen­er­al­ly, about the beta cuck’s attractiveness.

More kinks linked to the cuckolding fetish

Friendzoning — “I like keep­ing you around, but you’re not attrac­tive enough to sleep with. I’m rid­ing a big dick while you’re jerk­ing it in the car out­side in a tissue.”

Virginity — “You’re such a los­er that no woman would want to touch you.”

Gaping holes — It’s often from the stand­point of either, “My dick was big enough to do that” or “Someone else’s dick was big enough to do that, and I can’t compare”

Creampies — Seeing fur­ther phys­i­cal evi­dence left behind of some­one else mark­ing his ter­ri­to­ry. It may or may not involve the humil­i­a­tion of eat­ing some­one else’s cum.

Financial dom­i­na­tion — “Alpha fucks and beta bucks. Paying up and offer­ing ser­vice is your only chance at pleas­ing me.” 

BBC fetishiza­tion — Not uncom­mon for men, so it had to be at least men­tioned, even though it’s prob­lem­at­ic. At best, it’s play­ing into a stereo­type. Worse, it’s objec­ti­fy­ing to frame an entire race of men as ani­mal­is­tic, par­tic­u­lar­ly when jux­ta­posed with a spe­cif­ic type of woman being paint­ed as inno­cent and get­ting defiled.

Tl;dr I get it, and I’m not a fan. Got it?

Okay, onto the fol­low­ing sub­set of cage­able compliance.

The sissy fembois

These guys also want a reprieve from main­tain­ing a mas­cu­line image, but by eroti­ciz­ing wear­ing fem­i­nine cloth­ing — which may involve affir­ma­tion or humil­i­a­tion. Cock cages can take it a step fur­ther, tuck­ing away the “lit­tle clit­ty” where the wear­er can’t use it to pen­e­trate a partner.

Sissies tend to like the following kinks

“Forced” fem­i­niza­tion — If I’m “mak­ing” a man put on make­up or do house­hold chores in a maid cos­tume, it takes away the shame and guilt of doing some­thing that he likes but is stigmatized.

Bimbo role­play and dol­li­fi­ca­tion - No brains, no exec­u­tive decision-​making — just bent over to serve as a fuck­able hole in a sequin mini-​skirt. (Women can enjoy being bim­boi­fied, too, for a sim­i­lar rea­son: an “excuse” to let their mind go blank and just be.)

Pegging - Reversing the roles as the woman wears a strap-​on and anal­ly pen­e­trates a man.

Small penis humil­i­a­tion — Playing with the idea that his penis is use­less or inef­fec­tu­al because of its size. Real talk: I don’t believe that, but I’ll humor a part­ner if he finds it erot­ic to have his penis size com­pared to my toys.

Blackmail role­play - Some sub­mis­sives get off on the thrill of risk when some­one threat­ens to expose them. Again, an out­side force is lever­ag­ing some­thing to “force him” into servi­tude, absolv­ing him of the guilt he may feel.

Panty sniff­ing - I don’t have an expla­na­tion for this one. I just know it’s a thing where some guys smell the pheromones, and they lose con­trol, think­ing, “Do I want to be inside her, or do I want to be her?”

jackoff addicts

These goon­ers are help­less to their desires and love get­ting des­per­ate and gross. The longer they pump and edge, the more var­ied and exot­ic (read: “weird”) their kinks grow, and the avoid­ance of post-​nut clar­i­ty makes the fall even hard­er when they finish.

They make espe­cial­ly great can­di­dates for chasti­ty caging in the con­text of tease & denial. It turns them on, phys­i­cal­ly hurts, reminds them of their des­per­a­tion, turns them on more  — and the cycle con­tin­ues while I fuck with their heads. They might cum and expe­ri­ence the shame spi­ral into, “Why did I fin­ish while think­ing about that?” Or I might tell them to ruin the orgasm while their per­ver­sion grows.

Financial dom­i­na­tion can also add to the eroti­cism; the mon­e­tary trib­utes put a numer­i­cal val­ue on how pow­er­less they feel in the pres­ence of some­one they find attrac­tive. And the more mon­ey they’ve sent, the harder-​hitting the evi­dence that piles up.

That could be paired with humil­i­a­tion for the finan­cial sub’s sup­posed infe­ri­or­i­ty. Further, it’s anoth­er poten­tial play on gen­der stereo­types: that low­ly, mind­less pigs have no self-​control and will do any­thing for a nut.

Does that reflect my world­view? Absolutely not. I’m a hor­mone mon­ster, too, but I’m proud of it.

This post was spon­sored by lock​the​cock​.com — take 10% off male chasti­ty devices with coupon code supersmash10%

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2 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    I'm a sub­mis­sive male who likes being required to wear a cock cage for its erot­ic appeal. I fit all three of your cat­e­gories. I'm a beta cuck. I like being naked and present to watch my wife enjoy sex with a sex­i­er man while I am alter­nate­ly exclud­ed while they fuck, and then includ­ed in a degrad­ing inter­ac­tion, per­form­ing oral sex on both of them. I'm also a sis­sy fem­boi, being forced to wear sexy lin­gerie, espe­cial­ly black fish­net thigh high stock­ings attached to a black garter belt and skimpy panties, and sub­mit­ting to either peg­ging or anal sex. I'm also a jack off addict, so I enjoy wear­ing a cock cage at all times except as a cuck, when I'm required to mas­tur­bate while being degrad­ed, taunt­ed, laughed at, exposed, and humiliated.

  2. Lilly says:

    Pretty much accu­rate, at least in my pret­ty siz­able amount of inter­ac­tions with the demo­graph­ic! I do think the one thing that's miss­ing is the just gen­er­al hot­ness of sac­ri­fic­ing one's own plea­sure while your part­ner gets to plea­sure them­self nor­mal­ly in free­dom (nev­er­mind the real­i­ty of the sub find­ing the device itself plea­sur­able and one's own eroge­nous spot being lim­it­ed to the penis not entire­ly true, but it's fun to role­play the sac­ri­fice and is still regard­less some­what restrictive!).
    Also ran­dom semi-​interesting obser­va­tion is that i find transwomen who enjoy wear­ing (and I know a decent num­ber!) tend to seem a bit "chiller" than the cis guys; not even kink­sham­ing on that front—intense role­play is fun!—but just inter­est­ing they tend to go for the more "goon­er" stuff much less.

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