Category: How-To & Health

4 Mental Hang-Ups About Vibrators I've Gotten Over 2

4 Mental Hang-Ups About Vibrators I've Gotten Over

I've used hun­dreds of sex toys, and that has made me more sen­si­tive, more hyper-​​aware of what steps on my "arousal accel­er­a­tor," and more eas­i­ly able to orgasm with a…

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?" 3

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?"

Your part­ner deserves bet­ter than flat­ten­ing inti­ma­cy down to a pass/​​fail grade. Go deep­er. You deserve play­ful teas­ing and ban­ter like, “Tell me what you want. Use your words. I…

Morgasm CBD-infused and original formula tubes

5 Ways to Intensify Sex With CBD Arousal Lube

Novelty and antic­i­pa­tion are vital to sala­cious thrills — and an arousal lube can lev­el up that explo­ration! Once you set aside the lin­ear rou­tine of kiss-​​foreplay-​​intercourse-​​ejaculation-​​done, you ele­vate your…

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You! 4

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You!

It's a myth that stan­dard con­doms are uni­ver­sal and fit every­one. (Yes, even if your fore­arm can fit in one!) Using the right con­dom size is cru­cial for the wearer's comfort…

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas 5

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas

"Let's just say she's 'open' to new things," some­one com­ment­ed on a viral video of my sex toy col­lec­tion. Big dil­dos are among the most polar­iz­ing and stig­ma­tiz­ing toys for…

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup 7

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup

Overnight men­stru­al pro­tec­tion with­out leaks Pads and tam­pons con­sis­tent­ly failed to con­tain my heavy flow, and I used to resign to sleep­ing on a black tow­el every month. Until I…

How to Get More Comfortable With Anal Sex 8

How to Get More Comfortable With Anal Sex

All bod­ies have holes with sen­si­tive nerve end­ings, and they have things to put into holes. Sometimes it feels good, and some holes take more prepa­ra­tion than oth­ers do. Such…