Category: Insertable Vibrators

The Orb Vibrator Review: PLASMA RAYS & Dual Motors?! 7

The Orb Vibrator Review: PLASMA RAYS & Dual Motors?!

I'm bring­ing back a 2008 neon pop bop to match this PLASMA NEON BALL VIBRATOR's ener­gy — because if this toy isn't a par­ty in your bed­room, I don't know what is.

(Actually, I do know, and I'll elab­o­rate on that, too. Hint: I've lit­er­al­ly made sparks fly.)

Sensualist 7" Vibrating Dildo Review 10

Sensualist 7" Vibrating Dildo Review

The Sensualist rotat­ing and vibrat­ing dil­do has quite a bit going for it: TL;DR EdenFantasys’ Sensualist is an afford­ably fun first phal­lus. While it doesn’t do every­thing it promis­es, it does…

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Review: A Strapless Strap-On? 11

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Review: A Strapless Strap-On?

Fun Factory’s Share Vibe Pro makes promis­es galore. This company’s lux­u­ry insertable vibra­tors are always bold­ly basslike, with a low-​​pitched flut­ter — and Share Vibe Pro stepped up to that…