Category: Reviews

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom vibrator inside charging case

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom review: remote control egg vibrator

Pink Punch Planet promis­es an oth­er­world­ly expe­ri­ence — and their Sunset Mushroom remote con­trol vibra­tor deliv­ers retro-​​futuristic immer­sion in a small pack­age. Aesthetics weren’t always notable to me when shop­ping for sex toys, but the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom…

Dee's Big Daddies: Dante, Duke, Danny huge dildo reviews 1

Dee's Big Daddies: Dante, Duke, Danny huge dildo reviews

More adven­tures of a com­pact, high-​​capacity human with a Mary Poppins purse pussy. Pornhub's titles and Nars’ make­up names con­jure sim­i­lar reac­tions in my mind: “Dude, chill! Why are you so loud and spe­cif­ic?!” Dee's Big Daddies saw the…

Review: Tantus Hookah & Duchess dual-density dildo 2

Review: Tantus Hookah & Duchess dual-density dildo

Tantus’s recent renais­sance feels sur­re­al to me — fit­ting of the three years since the COVID pan­dem­ic start­ed. The com­pa­ny expand­ed, yet their Super Soft sil­i­cone sen­sa­tions start­ed resem­bling small­er, inde­pen­dent arti­san cre­ations. And I mean that in the…

Crave Vesper vs. Le Wand Necklace Vibe Review & Comparison 3

Crave Vesper vs. Le Wand Necklace Vibe Review & Comparison

Le Wand didn’t get the memo to be a first-​​rate ver­sion of them­selves rather than a second-​​rate ver­sion of some­one else — and it shows. Again. The most bla­tant dif­fer­ence between the Crave Vesper and Le Wand Necklace Vibe…

Zumio I Review + Comparison: Zumio X vs. S. vs. E. vs. I oscillators 5

Zumio I Review + Comparison: Zumio X vs. S. vs. E. vs. I oscillators

Broad wand vibra­tors can be held against a cheek for next-​​level blowjobs. Firm, pin­point oscil­la­tors can be held between the tongue and clit for next-​​level cun­nilin­gus. Try that with any of the Zumios; you’re wel­come. Here’s why I love…

13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything 6

13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything

I've tried over 350 sex toys, and yet, I still find won­der in Toyland. So many visu­als can be made phal­lic if you're cre­ative enough. And with the evo­lu­tion of soft cli­toral grind­ing toys, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are even more…

Viben Fierce review: mini wand massager 7

Viben Fierce review: mini wand massager

Dear Viben Fierce wand, You had so much poten­tial, but that’s a mere mirage when faced with a fatal flaw. The orange flags were there all along. I was unsure if I would like you from the pack­ag­ing and…

Uberrime Fascinus, Bound 2.0 XL, and Selene dildo review 8

Uberrime Fascinus, Bound 2.0 XL, and Selene dildo review

We’re going MAGICALLY MAXIMALIST and FULL FRILLS with these Uberrime dil­dos. As always, expect mag­ic and mythos from Uberrime dil­dos — there’s cul­ture to the chaos. Let’s explore sex toy his­to­ry and the depths of Wikipedia togeth­er. Uberrime Fascinus…

Review: Uberrime Anurian dildo bigger than soda can + Oxballs Honcho 9

Review: Uberrime Anurian dildo bigger than soda can + Oxballs Honcho

I feel like a fuck­ing ath­lete after using a dil­do thick­er than a soda can from a cold start. The Uberrime Anurian looks flashy AF next to bev­er­age con­tain­ers in pho­tos, but its Amazon for­est aes­thet­ic is at least as showstopping…

Top 7 La Boutique Voila Sex Toys, Ranked! 10

Top 7 La Boutique Voila Sex Toys, Ranked!

Meet The Thruster's younger sib­ling, La Boutique Voila. While Velvet Thrusters focus on lux­u­ry hand­held fuck­ing machines, Voila is all about the sil­ly shapes and kooky con­trap­tions, from aliens to the infa­mous rose to Thor's ham­mer. Here are my…

Review: Uberrime Aptus 8.5” realistic dildo & Fun Factory Big Boss vibrator 11

Review: Uberrime Aptus 8.5” realistic dildo & Fun Factory Big Boss vibrator

Two top-​​tier, above-​​average clas­sic must-​​haves for dil­do devo­tees with a pen­chant for pro­found pen­e­tra­tion I go flam­ing­ly fer­al around ovu­la­tion time and want to get DICKED. For days when I crave bash­ing my cervix, these real­is­tic sil­i­cone dil­dos are…