Bestvibe Angel Review: Winged Pegasus Dildo

I’m not sure if this dil­do would make more sense or less sense with eyes all over it and a boom­ing voice declar­ing, “FEAR NOT.”

BestVibe Angel Pegasus fantasy dildo

Naming it Angel seems like a missed oppor­tu­ni­ty — when it could have been called Pegasus, after the winged horse in Greek mythology.

A cur­so­ry web search for “pega­sus dil­do” was sur­pris­ing­ly tame at first. The National Security Agency agent sur­veilling my online activ­i­ty is prob­a­bly hard­ly fazed anymore.

UPDATE: This dil­do has been rela­beled as "Pegasus Pink Angel"!

BestVibe Angel winged Pegasus fantasy dildo
BestVibe Angel winged fantasy dildo hand size comparison

The Bestvibe Pegasus Angel is quite equine in shape but not so much in size, measuring:

  • 4.2” length above the knot
  • 5.6” insertable length
  • 7.8” total length
  • 1.9” across the knot
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter across the head
  • 1.0” diam­e­ter across the shaft
BestVibe Angel Pegasus dildo head shape

Its dimen­sions are aver­age com­pared to a human penis, lit­er­al­ly fit­ting for those who want to go beyond a uni­corn horn. Mount the mighty steed — there’s a stroooong suc­tion cup base — while also keep­ing it kawaii with swirls of white and peachy pink.

A sharp edge around the Bestvibe Pegasus Angel dildo’s flared head makes it quite G‑spotty or A‑spotty — up to you! Put just the tip in, or go in deep. Whichever option you choose, it’ll apply focused pres­sure main­ly at that point, while the shaft’s cur­va­ture and dip­ping diam­e­ter do most of the work for you. The tip’s sharp cir­cum­fer­ence is where most of the action is — fun for the front wall while not doing much for my cervix.

Bestvibe Angel winged Pegasus dildo head close-up

If you go in deep­er, you’ll also enjoy the hor­i­zon­tal rib­bing just above the knot. Or take it all the way. That’s not my thing since I love my dil­dos front-loaded.

However, if you’re a future fan­ta­sy dong col­lec­tor who loves knot­ting great diam­e­ters, con­sid­er the Bestvibe Pegasus Angel a tan­ta­liz­ing treat, per­haps as a warm-​up to big­ger things.

BestVibe Angel Pegasus dildo knot and wings

This winged sil­i­cone dildo:

  • Makes a focused front wall mas­sager to clench around
  • Features sub­tle veins and rib­bing along the shaft
  • Swells into a not-​too-​thick knot
  • Aesthetically pleas­es with its pret­ty pas­tel palette
  • Is super affordable

And when it’s not in use, I’ll keep it suction-​cupped to the wall next to my work­space to:

  • Match the pink flower paint­ings galore
  • Serve as a fid­get toy for me to “boing” and get the cre­ative juices flowing
  • Protect me from the evil eye
BestVibe Angel Pegasus dildo knot and wings

In the words of Getty’s art news section:

Variations [of winged phal­lus fasci­na] hung in many house­holds, both pro­tec­tive and amus­ing, which brings us back to com­e­dy and this ancient truth: Laughing at phal­lus­es is good for society.

Why Are Ancient Greek Phalluses funny?

Learn more about the his­to­ry of the phal­lic fasci­nus as ancient defen­sive mag­ic in my Uberrime Fascinus review — fea­tur­ing a thick­er and slick­er winged dil­do and yes, more Greek mythology.

Get the Bestvibe Pegasus Angel — for those who would rather keep it pret­ty in pink.

Bestvibe angel winged Pegasus dildo in porcelain shell display

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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