Swirlii Review: Gyrating Vibrator for Shallow Penetration

I love a tongue at my cunt's entrance, cir­cling and swirling all 360 degrees.

Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator

While gyrat­ing mas­sagers are noth­ing new, it's not often I try one in the shal­low­est part of my pussy.

And why not? It's one of my most sen­si­tive areas, mak­ing me cum quick­ly when I tap or tip-​drill the opening.

Swirlii by Tracy's Dog is no excep­tion. (Good gad­get. Weird brand name. I know.)

What I Love About Swirlii by Tracy's Dog

I rev­el in this massager's gen­tle stretch both for plea­sure — when I crave slow­er, broad­er strokes along the legs of my inter­nal cli­toris — and for pain relief when my chron­ic goril­la grip coochie has hel­la knots and mus­cle spasms in need of relaxation.

Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator with three prongs

Swirlii's motor is the star of the show, and its con­cav­i­ty and edges are sup­ple­men­tary. The insertable portion's unique shape:

  • Moderately fills me with a 1.4” diameter
  • Gently cups and press­es the front wall
  • Focuses with the sharp edge near the sides

It car­ries the firm­ness of fin­gers with a rigid shaft in the silk­i­ness of silicone.

For some­one built like me, the sen­su­al swivel­ing sen­sa­tion feels best as a stand­alone expe­ri­ence when lit­tle more than the tip (about 2.5”) is insert­ed, and my walls are relaxed.

I cum quick­ly on it again and again in bliss while it persists.

Meanwhile, the vibra­tions and oth­er fea­tures are (to me) an afterthought.

Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator base and control panel

Tracy's Dog Swirlii Vibrator Specs

  • Three motors: inter­nal gyra­tion, inter­nal vibra­tion, exter­nal vibration
  • Rigid insertable por­tion: 1.4” wide x 2.5” long with gyration
  • Flexible insertable por­tion: 0.6” wide x 1.9” long with vibration
  • You can fold the two insertable prongs togeth­er for 1.6” thiccness
  • 1.9” dis­tance between the bot­tom of the neck and the cen­ter of the cli­toral stimulator
  • 1” long rigid neck, flex­i­ble sil­i­cone base
  • 1 but­ton con­trols 4 steady speeds and 4 patterns
  • Remote con­trol with 2 but­tons to con­trol motors separately
  • IPX7 water­proof (sub­mersible)
Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator side view

What I Dislike About Swirlii by Tracy's Dog

Too dang many frills. There are three motors — one gyrat­ing, two vibrat­ing. Both of the con­ven­tion­al vibra­tion por­tions are buzzy, and I wouldn't miss them if they were omit­ted entire­ly. At the price, though, I can't com­plain either way. Tracy's Dog's schtick is being afford­able, uncon­ven­tion­al, and play­ful.

One size doesn't fit all. The whole unit is meant to be worn as a plug-​style panty vibra­tor with inter­nal and exter­nal vibra­tions, which can mean issues with anatom­i­cal align­ment. For a dual stim­u­la­tor to work opti­mal­ly, it must fit the user's inner and out­er junk — which is going to vary from per­son to per­son. Some peo­ple have short­er clit-​vag gaps or shal­low­er G‑spots than others.

You under­es­ti­mat­ed my pow­er. With the insertable por­tion all the way in (about 3.8”), my clench stalls the toy, hold­ing it in place while the out­side some­times kind of wags. Using just the tip is the only way Swirlii has a fight­ing chance against my goril­la grip.

My Verdict on Tracy's Dog Swirlii

But how do I feel about Tracy's Dog Swirlii?

Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator flexibility

I like the gyra­tion sen­sa­tions — just not how they were intend­ed to be used. I think the Swirlii vibra­tor by Tracy's Dog is best savored at the entrance for its wide glides.

As a hand­held dual stim­u­la­tor? Yeah, the flex­i­ble base can bend to buzz against my out­er clit while my inner clit is all cap­ti­va­tion by gyration.

As a wear­able dual stim­u­la­tor with all the doo­dads attached? I don't care, but the price is fair.

I love a tongue at my cunt’s entrance, cir­cling and swirling all 360 degrees.

Get Tracy's Dog Swirlii if you love that feel­ing, too.

Tracy's Dog Swirlii gyrating rabbit vibrator side view in dish

This post was spon­sored! Opinions expressed about the toy are my own, as always.

Further read­ing: more toys that self-​thrust and gyrate!

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