Pris Toys Syren Review: Textured A-Spot Dildo for Deep Penetration!

My pussy throbbed at first sight of the Pris Toys Syren.

Pris Toys Syren intensely textured dual-density silicone dildo with curve for A-spot massage

Its big, beefy build and pais­ley liquid-​like drips grip and push and pull at my walls. Every inch of the Syren gives me some­thing to scream about, mes­mer­iz­ing my hot spots from the A to the G to the PFE zone.

The Pris Toys Syren’s hall­mark fea­tures include:

  • 9” — drool-​worthy inch­es of insertable length
  • 2” max­i­mum diam­e­ter diameter
  • A sump­tu­ous­ly soft tip but with a firm, flex­i­ble core
  • Soft scales and swirls and splashy drips all over
  • A teardrop-​shaped, har­ness­able base
Pris Toy Syren dual-density dildo paisley textures

Its out­er lay­er is prob­a­bly Shore 0050 den­si­ty sil­i­cone, squishy like cool gum­my can­dy but giv­ing plen­ty of resis­tance for my walls to grab against with every stroke.

And you always know which way the G‑spotty and A‑spotty curve is fac­ing since the teardrop base points in the same direction.

Pris Toys Syren shaft bottom half and teardrop-shaped base with front-facing vertex

What I love about Pris Toys' Syren

So much about Pris Toys’ Syren makes me gasp and groan at any depth of insertion:

  • Its front-​loaded and defined tip lock on my G‑spot’s dip
  • Vertical, diag­o­nal, round­ed rivulets of rib­bing galore to explore
  • Another “tier” of drops halfway down the shaft to twist and grab
  • A bump low­er down the shaft, fun to fold and slide against my clit
  • The head slip­ping on my cervix when my part­ner thrusts it

Just knead­ing it in my hands got me horny, know­ing my walls were going to savor every surge of sen­sa­tion I could take.

Pris Toys Syren squishy silicone density head

G-spot, A-spot, and cervix massage techniques

Using it solo bashed my hole and snatched my soul. I alter­nat­ed between:

  • Phases of pro­found pen­e­tra­tion and shal­low shapes traced on my front wall
  • Tilting for­ward against my A‑spot and cervix vs. tilt­ing the tip back so the shaft grinds against my clit — let­ting the tex­tures slide or rock like the coital align­ment technique
  • Pushing at my cervix vs. pulling at my G‑spot.

Just tip or halfway or all the way in — each felt dif­fer­ent. The exact shape of the drip that was grab­bing at the sen­si­tive mouth of my vagi­na varied.

Pris Toys Syren dual-density silicone A-spot dildo textures

In short? I love the con­trast and all the dif­fer­ent options for ways to play.

But hav­ing a part­ner thrust it was just next-​level — like I was scream­ing the entire time it was inside me.

How Pris Toys' Syren felt in use against my cervix

I was just a pri­mal pud­dle for Pris Toys’ Syren.

I want it to remix my insides.

I want to AAAHHHH at any depth.

Pris Toys splash drip textured silicone dildo

So I told him to tilt it — the for­giv­ing head for­ward against my cervix, force vec­tor towards my bel­ly but­ton, as far in as I could take it.

The for­giv­ing head felt deli­cious behind my cervix, with the tip pressed slight­ly on the cer­vi­cal os itself. When it’s my turn to thrust again, I turn the toy so that I can feel more of the diag­o­nal drops and waves and ridges on the side, while get­ting into the pock­ets around my cervix — not just the for­nices in front of or behind it, but also slight­ly off to the left and right.

Pris Toys Syren dildo with textures and clitoral massage node on shaft

If I’m thrust­ing vig­or­ous­ly while bend­ing the shaft, the squishy tip is in my deep spot, with the shaft's major node against my clit.

I just — aaaaAaaaaAaahhh. It’s so good.

Other fantastic indie silicone dildos

Pris Toys want­ed to make their dual-​density dil­dos firmer than VixSkin, which is an excel­lent choice for this design. I can focus on each lit­tle swelling of the surface.

The Pris Toys Syren also reminds me of Tantus’s Splash, though the lat­ter has few­er, big­ger drips that pro­trude more, are more round­ed, and go a bit fur­ther down the shaft.

Pris Toys Syren and Tantus Splash drip-textured dildos

Syren’s head is quite bul­bous in com­par­i­son, mak­ing it more G‑spotty. I love savor­ing the slighter drips on the shaft.

Other Tantus toys like the Groove and Paisley, could be con­sid­ered the “lite” ver­sion of the Syren: firmer, mid-​sized, straight-​shafted. Ironically, the mod­el called Paisley has more uni­form bumps and ridges.

Closing thoughts on Pris Toys' Siren

“This icon­ic motif’s design fea­tures slick curves and ridges and is adored by rhine­stone cow­boys, bohemi­ans, and every­one in between,” reads the Tantus Paisley prod­uct page. Its tex­tures look deli­cious to grip around.

Pris Toys Syren dildo size comparison to hand

But as far as the teardrop motifs and flower-​like flair go, Pris Toys’ Syren has a lot more going on visu­al­ly and tac­tu­al­ly. It’s extra AF, and I think Syren so much more embod­ies the viva­cious spir­it of pais­ley print.

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