Sensualist 7" Vibrating Dildo Review

A hand holding a veiny realistic silicone dildo

The Sensualist rotat­ing and vibrat­ing dil­do has quite a bit going for it:

  • Its vibra­tion motors are strong.
  • Its shaft is loooong.
  • The firm, curved dong bot­toms me out.

TL;DR EdenFantasys’ Sensualist is an afford­ably fun first phal­lus. While it doesn’t do every­thing it promis­es, it does the oth­er things well enough at the price for me to give the green light.

EdenFantasys vibrating dildo packaging

Sensualist Vibrating Dildo Features I Like

Shape & Size

EdenFantasys’ Sensualist dil­do stands at about 9 inch­es tall, with 7 inch­es of insertable length reach­ing all the way in and a 1.5” diameter.

EdenFantasys suction cup realistic dildo

A‑spot mas­sage, gut-​remixing, and womb-​bludgeoning are all appe­tiz­ing options — espe­cial­ly when the forward-​tilting tip press­es on my super-​sensitive front wall.

Small but spicy sur­face details include raised veins galore and bunched-​up fore­skin under the coro­na. They offer some slight G‑spot grip­ping when I ride and lean back.

And yes, thanks to the firm (read: strong) suc­tion cup base, it’s butt-​safe, har­ness­able, and ridable!


The Sensualist’s vibra­tion pitch ranges from 94 to 130 Hz — buzzy but intense and robust enough for me to use both inter­nal­ly and clitorally.

Its con­trol pan­el fea­tures two buttons:

  • One for cycling through three steady speeds and 7 patterns 
    • Of the puls­ing and esca­lat­ing rhythms, I find 2 of them con­sis­tent enough to cum on. The oth­er 5 are for either edg­ing or just click­ing right past.
  • One for turn­ing on “tur­bo mode,” which sky­rock­ets to the top set­ting for 20 sec­onds — hope­ful­ly long enough to fin­ish — before reverting
EdenFantasys Sensualist vibrating dildo top view of control panel

While not everyone’s into the “tur­bo” but­ton, it’s a fun addi­tion, espe­cial­ly for the price bracket.

What Features Might You Not Appreciate?

Overall, I don’t have many bad things to say about EdenFantasys’ Sensualist dil­do for the price, but it’s not for every­one. Here’s why:

  • The rotat­ing motor couldn’t stand up to my goril­la grip coochie and made a pathet­ic attempt to wag­gle in place when I clenched. “That’s… it?” I thought. I’d rather it just be a stan­dard vibrat­ing dil­do and cost a lit­tle less.
  • It’s super stiff, as often with mass-​manufactured rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al vibra­tors, and that might not gel well with your insides. (Yeah, I said "rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al" because it doesn't quite feel realistic.)
  • It’s avail­able in one peachy, orange creamsicle-​like swatch. Again, a toy that only comes in pink or “Caucasian opaque” is par for the price, but not everyone’s into that.
A hand holding a silicone dildo

Who Is EdenFantasys’ Sensualist Dildo for or Not For?

I would NOT rec­om­mend this dil­do to some­one who:

  • Is picky about penetration
  • Expects intense G‑spotting
  • Has a goril­la grip coochie and craves the spin­ning sensations
  • Demands pre­ci­sion

I would rec­om­mend EdenFantasys’ Sensualist to those who:

  • Likes firm, hard cocks
  • Appreciates strong, fast, zingy vibra­tions internally
  • Is just explor­ing pen­e­tra­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly the cervix and A‑spot
  • Loves clench­ing around tex­tures, includ­ing the low-​fidelity fore­skin and slight­ly exag­ger­at­ed veins
  • Wants a budget-​friendly basic — this dil­do won’t break the bank!
Glans, foreskin, and shaft textures on the EdenFantasys Sensualist vibrating dildo

The length, curve, and vibra­tion sen­sa­tions make EdenFantasys’ Sensualist a great first toy — maybe bring­ing up fond, eye-​glazing mem­o­ries years lat­er.

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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