Category: Reviews

Okay, Fine: The Womanizer Wave Showerhead Grew on Me. 1

Okay, Fine: The Womanizer Wave Showerhead Grew on Me.

“Why is this show­er­head $120, and what can it do that a cheap­er show­er­head can’t?” I scoffed at first. Then, it only took a few days for the Womanizer Wave to spoil my sen­si­bil­i­ties. The Wave show­er­head by Womanizer…

Why Sose's Mirage G-Spot Vibrator Is Magical(ly Familiar) 2

Why Sose's Mirage G-Spot Vibrator Is Magical(ly Familiar)

Silky G‑spot mas­sagers make multi-​​talented crowd-​​wowers — when they're done right: Every body is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, but Mirage's ver­sa­tile vibe is quite the stand­out gen­er­al­ist. Sose's Opal and Caress cli­toral vibra­tors, mean­while, were for­get­table buzz bud­dies. Get the…

Maia Nala Wand Review: 5 Reasons to Love This Massager 3

Maia Nala Wand Review: 5 Reasons to Love This Massager

Dear Maia Toys, I see you're try­ing to ride the waves of the Fun Factory Vim's suc­cess — pre­sent­ing your Nala wand as a close­ly rumbly and far more afford­able alter­na­tive. And damn, your prod­uct, tim­ing, and pric­ing are all…

L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo with bullet cavity / vibrator slot and removable finger loop

READER RAVE: L’Acier Capo = Intense Orgasms All Over

Cervical and G‑spot orgasms are near­ly effort­less for me with the Capo stain­less steel dil­do by L’Acier. It’s pre­cise­ly my type for deep dick­ing, with a gen­tle curve for front wall mas­sage and a swoop­ing head for slip­ping behind…

9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE 4

9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE

"Dude, I'm so fuck­ing horny I came like instant­ly upon slip­ping in a pussy plug," I texted my friend. Ever since the icon­ic LuzArte Jollet — a single-​​humped dil­do designed to fill the vagi­na and tes­se­late with the G‑spot's…

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo 5

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo

Slick, smooth, sub­lime sen­sa­tions for my slit and cervix. I love it deep, and I was enchant­ed when Luscious Playthings cus­tomized this glass dil­do to my spec­i­fi­ca­tions for stroking my deep­est spots: I just want­ed effort­less cer­vi­cal orgasms. I…

Doxy Die Cast R Review: Most Powerful Rechargeable Wand?! 6

Doxy Die Cast R Review: Most Powerful Rechargeable Wand?!

I’ve wait­ed for the Doxy Die Cast Rechargeable for so long. Full-​​sized head for seis­mic, vulva-​​convulsing, inter­nal clit-​​rattling vibra­tions. Cordless for going from date night to “plea­sure tor­ture” play night — with just the press of a but­ton. No nearby…

How the Fun Factory Vim Became My Favorite Cordless Wand 7

How the Fun Factory Vim Became My Favorite Cordless Wand

Upon turn­ing on FUN FACTORY’s VIM wand, I only thought two words: “Oh, fuu­u­u­u­u­u­uck.”  It imme­di­ate­ly emanat­ed a deep, res­o­nant purr, evok­ing a friend's “holy shit” reac­tion, even at the first set­ting. Throbbing. Thrumming. Imagine you’re at a music…

KinkyPop Toys Thexomite Dildo Review: thick, INTENSE textures! 8

KinkyPop Toys Thexomite Dildo Review: thick, INTENSE textures!

This impos­ing mon­stros­i­ty is ready to raid your cave. Thexomite's "small" size, stand­ing 7.5" tall and 2.25" wide, is amply armored for appeas­ing the oth­er­wise insa­tiable. Its stacked plates are only for the most dar­ing cave spe­lunk­ers, eager to have…

Solina Mega Dildos Review: Dual-Density HYPER-REALISM! 9

Solina Mega Dildos Review: Dual-Density HYPER-REALISM!

I've been dream­ing of the Solina Mega cock line: hyper-​​realistic dual-​​density dil­dos with deli­cious squish, gradient-​​painted tips, and ver­dant veins — all at mod­est prices. (Solina's XXL dil­do retails for $69. Nice. And their Large is $39 — NICE!) The…

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixskin Johnny Review: Girthy Realism 10

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixskin Johnny Review: Girthy Realism

SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING BLUE Uberrime's Maxime dick­ma­tizes me into an alter­nate state, Googling “visions dur­ing inti­ma­cy” short­ly after fuck­ing myself (and fol­low­ing the search sug­ges­tion to “tran­scen­den­tal inti­ma­cy”). My beloved VixSkin Johnny, which has been with me…

Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review 11

Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review

This deli­cious­ly deep-​​dicking sweet treat won’t dent your wal­let. I thank it for its ser­vice for my cervix. Cute Cruelty’s Indigo A‑spotting dil­do has a love­ly length of 8 insertable inch­es — about 8.3” total if you include the…