Category: Debunking Myths

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness 1

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness

Getting my peri­od is sweet, sweet psy­cho­log­i­cal relief — and not because I'm avoid­ing preg­nan­cy. The begin­ning of men­stru­a­tion for me marks the end of the worst phase of my…

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas 4

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas

"Let's just say she's 'open' to new things," some­one com­ment­ed on a viral video of my sex toy col­lec­tion. Big dil­dos are among the most polar­iz­ing and stig­ma­tiz­ing toys for…

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup 5

7 Factors in Picking the Right Menstrual Cup

Overnight men­stru­al pro­tec­tion with­out leaks Pads and tam­pons con­sis­tent­ly failed to con­tain my heavy flow, and I used to resign to sleep­ing on a black tow­el every month. Until I…

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them 6

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them

[Content warn­ing: this post con­tains rec­ol­lec­tion of sex­u­al assault. If that's a hard top­ic for you, skip #5.] I wish we talked about chlamy­dia the way we talk about strep…

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" is BULLSHIT 7

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" is BULLSHIT

Even the most sup­port­ive friends can have mis­con­cep­tions. "I don't know how you still have sen­si­tiv­i­ty," I often hear when I talk about my We-​​Vibe Tango. "Don't vibra­tors numb you? I mean,…

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics. 8

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics.

The G‑spot is the area of, for many peo­ple, sen­si­tive tis­sue on the front wall of the vagi­na, near where the pubic bone recedes. It's nick­named such because Gräfenberg coined…