Cum Together While I Clench My Cunt.

“His pants don’t come off until I orgasm,” I say in my Pillow Princess paradigm.

Sometimes, though, he cums while his pants are still on, too. Sometimes, we both fin­ish at the same time while nei­ther of us is moving. 

Cum Together While I Clench My Cunt. 1
The first line is a lyric from Sleepy Eyes by Elohim

I’ll start with the case in point that makes peo­ple go, “Wow, that is so hot” when I retell it. This post wasn’t orig­i­nal­ly meant to be erot­ic, but my ovu­la­tion brain want­ed what it wanted.

We were in the woods near his house in Bumfuck, Egypt. It was his fish­ing spot and his sanc­tu­ary, seclud­ed enough that when I whis­pered, “How loud can we be with­out get­ting caught?” he reas­sured me that nobody would hear us.

He was a good boy who took direc­tion well, fol­low­ing my every com­mand to angle his fin­gers back behind my cervix, then for­ward, then bend them back and forth until I came. Despite my rever­ber­ant sighs and moans in the for­est, nobody else was there to hear. It was all for him.

The sun was set­ting by the time one of my arms draped over his shoul­der, my oth­er hand on his chest, and he held my wrist to guide it down to his now-​unzipped pants and hard cock.

“What are you think­ing about?” I asked, clos­ing the space between us, lean­ing up against his ear. My palm and extend­ed fin­gers moved up and down his length, and my thumb traced the head.

“I think you know.”

“No, I don’t. Tell me.” I want­ed to hear his low, grav­el­ly voice say it.

“I’m think­ing about what you texted me earlier.”

“Me on top of you, look­ing into your eyes while I slow­ly low­er myself on your dick?”


And that was exact­ly what we did, with my skirt still on, my panties pulled to the side, and one hand behind me, cup­ping his balls.

This graphic reads, "Give me your energy. Give me invisible. A reason to lose control. Tell me, can you feel it now?"
Lyrics from Dirty, Pretty, Beautiful by The Maine

At least, that was what we did until those four words.

“I’m gonna cum soon,” he said, which I took to mean, “If you’re going to protest this action, this is your last chance.”

I slowed down the rock­ing of my hips, but I didn’t stop rid­ing until I asked, “How close are you?”

He whis­pered, “Very,” with an urgent tremor in his voice.

So I paused, sat on his dick, and took a deep breath in still­ness. I want­ed more.

Fuck, why is he so hot, I thought to myself, clench­ing my pussy, my eyes shift­ing from his dilat­ed pupils to his soft, slight­ly part­ed lips. I had nick­named him “Pillow Lips” for a reason. 

Fuck, why is he so hot. Breath in. Breath out. I clenched my throb­bing cunt hard­er around his dick. My hands gripped his tighter while I thought about how his bot­tom lip felt between my teeth.

Inhale. Sigh. Clench.


And I just remem­ber widen­ing my eyes, look­ing into his, feel­ing the pres­sure in my hips, and think­ing, Oh. OH, this is hap­pen­ing. The invol­un­tary clench­ing and shak­ing over­took me, legs shak­ing on either side of him. 

I had cum via med­i­ta­tion and pelvic floor con­trac­tion before, but nev­er while with a new part­ner and sober — until then. And I came again and again. Maybe it was the copi­ous amount of herbal aphro­disi­ac lube on my side of the con­dom. Whatever hap­pened, it was magic.

Personal Fav Whet plant-based sex serum
I had doused his dick with Person­al Fav Whet plant-​based sex serum and woooah­h­hh, the wind blew dif­fer­ent that night…

Neither of us knew it at the time, but the oth­er had cum, too, simultaneously.

“Hey, I came,” he stopped me as I start­ed rid­ing his dick again.

“Oh, okay.” I paused and moved up. ”Well, I still want to ride your pret­ty face.” It wasn’t long before I came a few more times, hands hold­ing his, head thrown back, look­ing up at the trees sur­round­ing us, scream­ing into the void.

Only dur­ing our debrief a few days lat­er did he real­ize what had happened.

“I still often think about that time I wasn’t try­ing to get either of us off but made us both cum at the same time,” I texted him.

“Hey, at least you came!”

“Yeah, like six times.”

“I made you cum 6 times?! I must be awesome.”

I’ve said it before in an inter­view, and I’ll say it again: “It was then that it occurred to me that peo­ple don’t think of women hav­ing five, six, ten orgasms in one ses­sion as normal.”

Well, this good boy didn’t stop at six the next time I saw him; we went beyond 10, and I lost count at some point while he fist­ed me. And we came simul­ta­ne­ous­ly while fuck­ing — that time, inten­tion­al­ly fill­ing me with cum.

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