Category: Kink & Banter

6 Essential Things to Know About Modeling Nude For Art Classes 1

6 Essential Things to Know About Modeling Nude For Art Classes

If you're an art stu­dent, you've prob­a­bly seen most of your friends naked in each other's art. Nudity just isn't a big deal in art­sy com­mu­ni­ties— as a mat­ter of fact, it's nec­es­sary and stan­dard for learn­ing about the human…

10 Comforting Statements For a Friend Who's Been Sexually Assaulted 2

10 Comforting Statements For a Friend Who's Been Sexually Assaulted

You more than like­ly know a sex­u­al assault sur­vivor. It's so com­mon, but because it's so heavy, many who want to be allies strug­gle to find the right thing to say. We've all heard hor­ror sto­ries about unsym­pa­thet­ic author­i­ties and vic­tim blamers disguised…