Category: Toy Guides

5 Reasons to Adore Uberrime Dildos 1

5 Reasons to Adore Uberrime Dildos

Orgasms meet arti­san atten­tion to detail meets big business-​​like selec­tion — all hand­made by love­ly peo­ple. Uberrime Dildos start­ed in 2017 as a one-​​man studio…

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life 6

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life

Potentially unpop­u­lar opin­ion: glass dil­dos make great first sex toys. At the least, they did for me. Here are 11 rea­sons why glass dil­dos were noth­ing short…

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide 7

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide

Boosting your erec­tions and elec­tri­fy­ing every stroke Bathmate leads the penis pump pack — revered for their respon­sive con­trols, com­fort, and user-​​friendly HydroMax and HydroXtreme…