Pleasure Pep Talk Protocol & Philosophy

One orgasm, 10 orgasms, 20 orgasms in one session? Whatever the electricity feels like for you here and now, enjoy the vibe.
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Expanding Ecstasy Everywhere

You deserve to feel good. Build on your enjoy­ment of sex and enjoy­ment of life by explor­ing and mapping:

  • Your plea­sure bodyscape — find­ing your phys­i­cal hot spots and breath­ing you deep to get you going
  • Your plea­sure mind­set — prime your mind to feel good, become best friends with your desires, and focus on the fan­tas­tic feelings
  • Your bound­aries — say no to what (and who!) doesn't feel good so you can make room for your ful­ly fer­al fuck­ing expression
  • Toyland's topog­ra­phy — toys are tools for get­ting in touch with the smor­gas­bord of sen­sa­tions around you
  • …and embrac­ing the edges as you expand, so you can feel safe explor­ing the unfa­mil­iar and get­ting cre­ative with the total­i­ty of possibilities

How Does it All Come Together?

Brain-​breath-​body inte­gra­tion goes beyond the gen­i­tals, fur­ther into the mind­fuck, and feel­ing it all over.

Subjectifying your sex­u­al­i­ty and sen­su­al­i­ty shifts from a per­for­mance for the out­side view­er to the inside expe­ri­encer. Revel in the body's innate abil­i­ty to feel "oh-​god-​oh-​fuck-​yes" ecstatic.

Demystifying, des­tig­ma­tiz­ing, and savor­ing your sub­con­scious desires lets you:

  • Cultivate risk aware­ness and tol­er­ance for the taboo
  • Break bina­ry box­es and reject­ing main­stream limitations
  • Navigate nuance, dark­ness, and dimen­sion­al­i­ty as humans

We'll con­tex­tu­al­ize the pol­i­tics of plea­sure so that self-​care, inti­mate part­ner care, and com­mu­ni­ty care converge.

We'll say "fuck you" to your lim­it­ing social conditioning.

Take your plea­sure into your own hands. Explore new things, do your Kegels, breathe, and enjoy. Don't believe the bull­shit that it's inher­ent­ly hard­er for women to orgasm. We don't have to accept the "orgasm gap" on a cul­tur­al level.

Go deep­er, feed the fer­al, so you can feel good about feel­ing good and unlock potent plea­sure on your own terms.

Claiming plea­sure begins with believ­ing that your body is capa­ble and deserv­ing of great things — what­ev­er that looks like for you.

Because, ulti­mate­ly, my work isn't just about enjoy­ing sex but also rel­ish­ing your radi­ant life.

Where Did This All Come From?

My blog orig­i­nat­ed by shar­ing less con­ven­tion­al path­ways to plea­sure, such as:

How to Work With Me

Want to go deep­er? If you:

set up an appoint­ment!